Product news

Product news April 2021

Check out our latest features and updates built specifically with you in mind.

Spotlight features & updates

Improvement in feedback loop, automated list-unsubscribe added |

Email deliverability

Improvement in feedback loop, automated list-unsubscribe added

As part of our membership to the Certified Senders Alliance (CSA), the feedback loop of Ternair Marketing Cloud has been extended to include an automated process that supports list-unsubscribe via both email and url.

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Improved display of NOT block and connected blocks |

Customer Journey flowchart

Improved display of NOT block and connected blocks

Immediately and clearly see which selection blocks are excluded from your journey flowchart. Our updated customer journey flowchart allows you to easily recognize excluded data by exclusion icons and exclusion glow around selection blocks. Don’t you need these exclusions icons? Simply turn them off for you as user.


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Easily create selections based on templates with all flows |

Customer Journey flowchart

Save extra time! Easily create selections based on templates with all flows

It was already possible to create selection templates based based on 1 flowchart, now you can choose to include all flowcharts in your template. Imagine how much time you can save on creating common customer journeys!

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Update images and snippets more easily 'inline' in the editor |

Email editor

Update images and snippets more easily 'inline' in the editor

In addition to drag & drop, images and snippets can also be ‘inline’ updated within the editor. Just select another image or snippet if you want to replace them, don’t first remove them anymore!

See how it works

Other Enhancements


‘IN’ added as operator for text and integer entity types

With this new ‘IN’ operator your are able to specify multiple (text or integer) values separated by comma (,). The ‘IN’ operator is a shorthand for multiple OR-conditions and is used to help reduce the need for multiple OR-conditions.

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 Snippet Parameters for setting specific snippet values when using ternair-snippet-default

With snippet parameters it is possible to push values – in a <key:value> format – to the snippet which is loaded by default via data-ternair-snippet-default. The value(s) can be used as variables in the snippet, similar to themes variables. These parameters make it possible to use 1 snippet markup for different applications, where values can be used for variables which differ per application. See more information.

For example: the “RSS article” snippet is designed to load 3 items per default. The value “3” no longer needs to be stored in the snippet markup, but can set as parameter in the template (number of articles: 3): <div data-ternair-snippet-default=”RSS Article” data-ternair-snippet-parameters=”{numberArticle:3}”></div>

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Personalization in RSS items allowed when using merge-on-execute

When using the merge-on-execute function, it is now possible to add personalization code in your RSS content.

For example: you can add [first name] to your RSS content. When the item is loaded into an email via merge-on-execute and [firstname] is mapped, this field will be personalized per email.

Personalization is no longer only possible via the editor, but also via external content.

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Product news October 2021


Product news November 2021