How KLM takes a personal and relevant approach to 10 million customers worldwide

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Royal Dutch Airlines

With its iFly magazine, KLM aims to communicate as personally and relevant as possible with over ten million travelers around the world. The further the company rolled out the magazine, the more complex the processes. The company applies Ternair's marketing automation solutions to ensure quality, manage costs and keep content relevant.

Solutions & results

  • 10 million recipients, spread across 80 countries in 5 different languages

  • 90% time savings through data-driven 1-to-1 email templates

  • Dynamic content based on behavioral data

  • Personalization leads to 83% more opened emails and click-through-rate of 106%

  • Reactivation campaigns lead to 8% re-engaged customers

Ten million recipients worldwide

With its digital iFly-magazine approaches KLM its ten million travelers eight times a year in five different languages and over 220 countries. And it does so in the most personalized way possible. To manage this complex process, the company made data-driven content leading. With the magazine, the airline aims to share inspiring travel content, giving customers an extra reason to travel. The relationship with its customers is thus maintained between flights, and KLM uses the magazine to stay top of mind until the next flight. For that, relevant, raunchy content is indispensable.


The magazine started out bilingual in the Netherlands. But soon the old format proved not scalable. In fact, KLM likes to apply hypersegmentation to stay personally relevant in its e-mail marketing. That means each country and language combination gets a unique e-mail. Initially, each language and country combination had its own template. With more than 250 variants, last-minute changes were virtually impossible. In addition, the emails were sent in 22 batches because the platform had to be able to continue to support the heavy emails with lots of video content. KLM also wanted to be able to segment its customers based on a loyalty program and policy-driven sending moments had to be taken into account. The manual and error-prone process was costly and not scalable. In a new, data-driven setup, scaling up was easy.

Building on data-driven foundation

In order to be able to scale up the processes, the data itself had to become guiding in the process. KLM's ambition was high: in addition to an audience of 10 million travelers, in five languages and from more than 80 countries, the company wanted to show new recipients a separate on boarding program. To achieve this, Ternair ensured that email marketing was facilitated from the data layer. Based on smart data, dynamic variables and content curated in templates, this led to up to five templates for mailings.

All variables were linked to a unique language code and a country code. Using a combination of those codes, the system determines which salutation, privacy statement or homepage URL to include in a mailing. It also considers how involved a customer is with the iFly Magazine. Differentiating thus becomes much easier.

"Based on collected behavioral data, KLM can ensure that the right content reaches the right person."

Results of data-driven approach

Despite the fact that the larger target group, added variants and the desired time for checking and testing led to more than 300 mail variants, the magazine's production time was reduced to 10% of the old process. Because the assurance is at the data level, fewer errors were made in the creation process.

Increasing relevance with behavioral data

But data also allowed KLM to take the next step: becoming more relevant to its readers. Based on collected behavioral data, KLM can ensure that the right content reaches the right person. You can imagine that 10 million travelers want to see inspiration on a variety of topics and destinations.

Filtering from the existing content turned out to be two essential variables: themes and destinations. In doing so, KLM chose four main themes: European city trips, culinary, history and nature. These are always combined with destinations. Through content tagging, preferences can be defined at a personal level. Those with a preference for historical content will see headers with historical images. In addition, if you are interested in Eastern Europe, you are more likely to be presented with historical images from Eastern Europe.

In combination with more generic information about brand engagement, email marketing can be personalized to a high degree. This personalization led to 83 percent more opened emails and a click-through-rate of 106 percent compared to previous magazines.

"Personalization leads to 83 percent more opened emails and a click-through-rate of 106 percent compared to previous magazines."

Returning inactive customers

The behavior of non-longer-active customers can also be noticed. Those who do not open an e-mail for a certain period of time receive a re-engagement campaign in the mail, with a different proposition than the iFly Magazine. Reactivation campaigns so far led to 8 percent re-engaged customers.

Data optimization and standardization increase relevance and create foundation for the future. When the data infrastructure is in place, subsequent optimization steps can be done faster and faster. This is how KLM makes its content relevant and valuable for its recipients and for KLM itself.

About IFly KLM Magazine

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is a global airline based in the Netherlands. KLM has a broad media portfolio including iFly KLM Magazine, KLM's award winning, digital travel magazine. KLM and Born05's magazine keeps passengers inspired between flights. From general inspiration to specifically targeted tips on where (potential) customers are traveling.

With more than 10 million readers in more than 230 countries, the digital magazine is a retention tool for KLM to strengthen its connection with customers and inspire them to choose KLM next time.

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Addressing customers personally and relevant

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