How Springer Nature transitions from outbound to inbound to achieve 50% more conversions

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Springer Nature


Bohn Stafleu van Loghum has realized conversion improvements of as much as 50 percent by flipping its event marketing from outbound to inbound. Bulk emails are a thing of the past; recipient behavior determines when they receive which message.

Solutions & results

  • From bulk emails to 1-1 communication

  • Click behavior as the starting point

  • Targeting based on behavior

  • Increase open rates by up to 50%

  • Double CTR

  • Opt-out 20% to 30% lower

From bulk emails to 1-1 communication

Bohn Stafleu van Loghum (BSL), part of the global Springer Nature, is a media company focused on healthcare professionals. With high-quality, accessible professional information (online platforms, books and journals), tools and events, BSL ensures that healthcare professionals have adequate knowledge, skills and techniques. Events cover every conceivable medical topic, from healthcare disruption to dental wear, from dementia to caring for traumatized children.

E-mail marketing is the most important conversion tool for BSL. However, the diversity of conference topics and thus interested parties was not seen in its design. BSL sent five emails per event by default. Or, as marketing manager Michael Dam explains it, "We had manually set bulk emails. After a week we sent a reminder to the people who had not opened the first email, and so we had a number of set moments and messages. Segmentation was based solely on personal characteristics, such as job title and previous event attendance."

Targeting was not targeted enough

BSL signaled, however, that this approach was not having the desired effect. The open rate, CTR and conversion were steadily declining and the number of unsubscribes was rising. The company decided that targeting needed to be more targeted. Relevance had to increase so that conversion would improve.

To achieve this, BSL first started by mapping the click behavior of recipients. "By recording what people click on in our emails and linking that to their profile, we can communicate in an increasingly targeted way," says Michael. "We can automatically choose the right moment to send certain messages. The flows are much more attuned to the interests someone shows. It's much more thoughtful and based on many more data points which makes targeting much better. Soon we will also start capturing behavior on our online platforms. After all, if we know what content interests someone, we can link that to matching events and mail even more relevant."

On its own, BSL already had a lot of data on visitors and customers. They just needed to be combined into a 360-degree customer view based on which the flow takes effect. "The first mail is about the congress, the second about the program. What gets clicked on? You build on that. We segment by using as much data as possible to combine themes and interests. For example, if someone clicks on an article about medication safety, it is obvious that that person is also interested in a congress or workshop with the same topic. They will then receive an e-mail message about that, of course."

"We can automatically choose the right time to send certain messages."

Opt-out 20 to 30 percent lower

BSL first applied this new approach to events because that's where the largest e-mail marketing volume is. "Half of our communications are about recruiting participants. So we have the most data on that and the more information, the better the targeting. We've noticed that. The exact numbers depend on the flow the campaign is set up for, but open rates are up to 50 percent better. CTR has doubled and opt-out is down 20 to 30 percent. The results are so good that we have now connected the other activities as well. We are currently busy setting up the marketing automation for this in our tool Ternair Marketing Cloud from Ternair."

"The frequency of our emails can be reduced while the effectiveness is higher."

Lessons and next steps

Michael has learned a number of lessons during the implementation. First is the importance of a well thought out content strategy. By extension, good collaboration between the marketing team and editors is essential. They must continuously share knowledge so that the content is as relevant as possible. "We naturally want there to be a direct link between the content and the events so that we send the right message towards the customer. That can only be done by working well together."

The second lesson: keep testing and experimenting. "Optimize the timing and the journey. If what you do doesn't produce a substantial improvement immediately, then continue testing until you know if your assumption is correct. If it doesn't, don't worry, even knowing what doesn't work is very valuable information."

In conclusion, what are the next steps for BSL beyond capturing visitor Web site behavior? "We continue to develop with the goal of intensifying our relationship with clients and visitors. We now have visibility of the whole process and know better and better whom to send what and when, so that we don't bother anyone with our messages. So the frequency of our emails can be reduced while the effectiveness is higher. We're going to fine-tune that. For example, we want to personalize the website around certain visitors and are also interested in dynamically populating our newsletters around interests. The good results we've had so far give a lot of energy. We are going full steam ahead."

About Bohn Stafleu van Loghum

Bohn Stafleu van Loghum (BSL) is a media company focused on healthcare professionals. With high-quality, accessible professional information (online platforms, books and magazines), tools, elearning products and events, BSL ensures that healthcare professionals have adequate knowledge and skills.

Bohn Stafleu van Loghum is part of the global Springer Nature.

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