
Email Sentiment Monitor

Knowing what users do is one thing. Knowing how they feel about it is another. It can be done thanks to this (PowerBI) Monitor. With thumbs up or otherwise, recipients show what they think of your emails or newsletters. They may comment on it. In a dashboard you track all sentiments and comments.

Email Sentiment Monitor | Ternair

What will we do?

  • Set up landing page for the qualitative feedback

  • Set up core for collecting the feedback

  • Unlocking the feedback with an API

  • Create PowerBI dashboard with real-time insight

  • Delivery, explanation and live

What will it bring you?

  • With a standard dashboard (PowerBI), track sentiment about your content. Know what's trending among your readers. Maybe topics get a lot of clicks, but people think they're too much clickbait. Or you prevent -by having people give feedback- from clicking on the unsubscribe link.

For whom?

  • BI and data managers, marketers, content marketers and editors who want to continuously know what is going on among their audience and whether they need to adjust their communications accordingly.

Planning & investment

  • The whole process can be done within 2 weeks incl. consultation

  • €1000.- all in (ex VAT)
    Can also be used as part of Service Pack

Find out for yourself

Are your customers happy?

With this BI monitor, you have a constant overview and get user input on the quality of your emails. Are you sending too many, too irrelevant, at the wrong time? Or is it all going toppie? Insight says it all.

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