Abandoned Shopping Cart campaigns: what is it and how does it work?

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The phenomenon of abandoned shopping baskets is a common problem. According to various studies, the average abandoned shopping cart rate is between 60% and 80%. This presents an excellent opportunity for marketers to optimize their marketing automation strategies using abandoned shopping cart campaigns to still bring in lost sales. In this article, we'll discuss what an abandoned shopping cart campaign is, how to set it up and share tips for successful execution.

What is an Abandoned Shopping Cart Campaign?

An abandoned shopping cart campaign is an automated marketing strategy that aims to win back customers who have placed products in their online shopping cart, but have not completed the purchase. These campaigns use emails, push messages or text messages'jes to remind customers of the products in the shopping cart, sometimes complemented by a discount code or other incentive to complete the purchase.

"The average conversion rate of a well-designed abandoned shopping cart campaign is between 10% and 20%."

Please note: Sending commercial emails requires an opt-in. This gives the customer explicit permission to receive emails. You can ask for this permission when creating an account, filling out a form or during the placement of a first order.

Why are Abandoned Shopping Cart Campaigns Important?

Emerged Shopping Cart Campaigns are crucial for several reasons:

  • Increased Conversion:By sending reminders, businesses can recover a significant portion of potential sales that would otherwise be lost.

  • Improved Customer Relationship:Sending personalized reminders shows that you care about your customers and help them complete their shopping experience.

  • Increased Customer Loyalty:Customers who see that you are paying attention to their shopping behavior are more likely to return and buy again.

How to set up an Abandoned Shopping Cart Campaign?

Setting up an abandoned shopping cart campaign involves a number of steps:

  • Identify abandoned shopping carts:Use tracking scripts and analytics tools to detect when a customer abandons their shopping cart without checking out.

  • Collect customer data: Make sure you collect customers' email addresses. This can be done, for example, by asking them to log in or register before filling their shopping cart.

  • Design an email series:Design a series of 2-3 emails sent at strategic times (for example, 1 hour, 24 hours and 72 hours after abandoning the shopping cart).

  • Personalize the emails:Make sure the emails are personalized with the customer's name and the products they left in their cart.

  • Automate the process:Use marketing automation software such as Ternair, to automate the sending process and send the emails at the right time

  • Analyze and optimize:Monitor the performance of your campaign and analyze statistics such as opening rates, click rates and conversion rates. Use this data to continuously optimize your campaign.

"Compared to other marketing emails, abandoned shopping cart emails have a higher opening rate of 45% and a click rate of 21%."

Tips for an Effective Abandoned Shopping Cart Campaign

Here are some tips to make sure your abandoned shopping cart campaign is effective:

  • Timing is crucial:Send the first email within an hour after the shopping cart has been abandoned to be fresh in the customer's mind.

  • Keep it short and clear:Make sure your emails are short and to-the-point. The message should be clear, with a strong CTA that encourages the customer to take action.

  • Use A/B testing:Do A/B testing to see which subject lines, send time, content or CTA's' work best. This will help you optimize your emails for better results.

  • Create urgency:Use persuasion techniques such as scarcity, authority, and social proof to create urgency. Use phrases like "Your shopping cart is waiting for you!" or "These items are almost sold out!".

  • Mobile-Friendly Design:Make sure your emails are easy to read and interactive on mobile devices, as many customers open their emails on their smartphones.

  • Personalize Your Messages:Use the data you have to make your messages as personalized as possible and remind them of what they left behind. This can range from using the customer's name to mentioning specific products they left.

  • Offer incentives: Consider offering a discount or free shipping as extra motivation for customers to complete their purchase.

  • Reliability and security:Add reassuring elements such as security badges, easy return policies and customer reviews to build trust and remove doubts.

  • Optimize campaigns with a CDP: A customer data platform (CDP) can help collect and integrate data from different sources. This also allows you to target abandoned shopping carts from guest users, which make up a significant portion of abandoned shopping carts.

How to successfully deploy an Abandoned Shopping Cart campaign with Ternair?

Ternair is a powerful marketing automation tool that offers comprehensive capabilities for managing and optimizing abandoned shopping cart campaigns. Here's how to deploy Ternair:

  • Data integration: Ternair integrates effortlessly with all your data sources, allowing you to easily collect data on abandoned shopping baskets.

  • Segmentation: With Ternair, you can segment your customer data and create personalized emails that specifically target different customer groups.

  • Automation: Use Ternair's automation workflows to automate your abandoned shopping cart campaign. Set triggers to send emails based on customer behavior.

  • Personalization: Ternair offers advanced personalization options that allow you to tailor the content of your emails to the individual customer, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

  • Analysis and Optimization: Use Ternair's analytics tools to monitor your campaign's performance and make optimizations based on the results.

  • Website-recognition: Abandoned cart campaigns often focus on logged-in customers, which is understandable: registered users offer more data. However, a significant portion of abandoned shopping carts come from guest users. In fact, requiring an account is the second most important reason for customers to abandon their cart.

    Website recognition from Ternair collects data from various sources. This allows you to effectively target abandoned cart campaigns to guest users as well, helping you generate even more sales.

"The average order value of purchases completed after receiving an abandoned cart email is often higher. Customers who return to complete their shopping cart often buy more or add additional items."


An abandoned shopping cart campaign is a powerful tool within marketing automation that can help reduce lost sales and strengthen customer relationships. By using marketing automation tools such as Ternair, you can effectively set up and optimize these campaigns, increasing your chances of recovering lost sales. By using the right timing, personalization, and incentives, you can convince customers to complete purchases and improve your conversion rate.

Stay experimenting and optimizing to get the most out of your abandoned shopping cart campaigns, and you'll soon reap the benefits of increased customer satisfaction and more sales.

Stay tuned for more insights into marketing automation campaigns in our upcoming articles!

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