Making email marketing more relevant

Email relevanter maken | Ternair

How relevant is your e-mail communication? A little relevance is no longer enough. The extent to which you can select and personalize is limited in most email marketing software. Because of limited customer sources, integrations or lack of professional data processing technology. Then you're ready for email marketing with better segmentation options. And we have an entry-level solution for that!

You can build such great flows and send emails to your B2C and B2B audiences, the greatest effect is lost if you can't connect the right person to the right content.

"A little relevance is and remains insufficient"

Fine audience segmentation is crucial. With many email marketing software such as Mailchimp, Spotler, Tripolis, Copernica, Deploytech or Maileon, you run into data limitations when doing sophisticated segmentation. Recognizable?

  • Static lists or standard integrations that don't work (anymore)

  • Limited, too coarse or just too technical features

  • Limited editing options in your target groups

  • An overkill of uploaded (csv) lists

The move to a mature Customer Data Platform (CDP) that allows you to do this extensively can still be too big, too time-consuming and too costly.

The solution is an email marketing CDP entry-level package: all the options of an CDP without the complexity and expertise involved in integrating, combining and editing data. You also have no limitations as with niche CDP's like Squeezely, Spotler Activate or Blueconic that primarily support web personalization. But really a full feature personalization platform, including Lead segmentation, behavioral segmentation on individual website-recognition, a unified 360-degree customer view as well as outbound to all channels. Without having to bring in a data analyst, database marketer or agency. And it's implemented within a month.

"In customer-centric communication, you do want to personally target the right customer!"

Marketers consider data-driven work based on their own, first-party, data to be the future of customer-centricity and conversion optimization. Yet combining data sources and editing customer data is not an everyday task. With the entry-level CDP, you benefit from the following features:

  • Drag and drop segmentation with software that has that in its DNA

  • Flexible data connections to all your sources, rather than standard integrations

  • Personalized support, rather than a central help desk or manual

  • Features such as communication printing, golden records, personalized content, customized data exports customer segment reports and manage your own roles and authorizations

  • All options from email marketing software integrated, with extensibility

"Do have the features, not the costs"

The e-mail marketing + CDP entry-level model from Ternair is available for about 950.- per month licensed. Personal customized support is available. Implementation within a few weeks. Request for options and references


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