
Churn Killer AI license

Acquiring a new customer costs 5 times as much as retaining a customer. This is a well-known principle. Yet why do we make so little use of it? The signals in our data are often easy to spot and setting up targeted campaigns is quick to test. We can find opportunities in complaints, low engagement, imminent notice periods and failed purchases.

Churn Killer campagne | Ternair

What will we do?

  • Customer intake and explanation of the model

  • Collection of data and making it accessible to the AI algorithm

  • Activation of the AI model and delivery of a daily churn table, showing the churn probability from 0 to 100 by customer relationship number

  • Design and delivery of a customer dashboard (included in the license)

  • Integration of the churn table into Ternair Campaign

  • Delivery to customer

What will it bring you?

  • Daily churn score as an attribute with the customer relationship number, which can be used to plan campaigns

Extra services: Ternair can help set up churn campaigns, such as sales/customer service approaching the top X percentage of customers weekly, or running campaigns on segment x-y%.

Ternair works with partners who can provide advice and set up campaigns around loyalty. These can be data-driven campaigns with Ternair, as well as other types of campaigns.

For whom?

  • All marketers who have to deal with customers who cancel subscriptions or no longer make purchases and who want to get a grip on this

Planning & investment

  • The whole process can be carried out within 4 weeks including consultations

  • €750.- all in per month (ex VAT) based on a one year contract

What’s in it for you?

Churn/CLV predictions

Accurately predict customer turnover and customer lifetime value.


Essential KPIs to track your success in attracting new customers, retaining current customers and improving customer lifetime value.

Risk factors

Understand why a client is at risk so you can act accordingly.

360-degree customer view

Get a complete picture of each customer. Integrate data for a clear, actionable overview.


Determine the optimal action for each customer. Reduce customer turnover, increase engagement or sell effectively.


Group customers based on shared attributes. Which customer (segments) are most valuable, performing well or at risk?

Business cases

18% churn reduction

  • Problem:WarChild wanted to gain more insight into their donors to prevent attrition and improve donor loyalty.

  • Solution: By identifying donor segments at risk of churn and optimizing the relevance of information for each donor, churn was reduced by 18%.

Het Financieele Dagblad
15% churn reduction

  • Problem:The Financieele Dagblad wanted to improve customer engagement and the number of unsubscribes needed to be reduced to achieve growth.

  • Solution: Advanced churn analysis, A/B testing and adaptive 'next best action' models resulted in 15% churn reduction.

BOB Autowash
14% churn reduction

  • Problem: BOB Autowash was experiencing high churn and didn't know why.

  • Solution: By identifying churn patterns within customer segments and defining effective next best action, churn was reduced by 14%.

20% churn reduction

  • Problem: Uptrends was experiencing high churn and there was no contact with 'low-value' customers.

  • Solution: Using AI-driven health scores, alerts, and roadmaps for proactive portfolio management, churn was reduced by 20%.

*At this time, the Churn Killer AI license is only available to publishers. We are working hard to make it available for other industries as well.

Find out for yourself

Retaining customers

Bring down your churn by acting on triggers in your data. Because retaining one customer costs less than acquiring 5 customers.

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