Inbound marketing goes to the next level with dynamic content

Inbound marketing gaat naar hoger niveau | Ternair

Inbound marketing is changing under the influence of social, mobile and personalization, among others. Modern solutions are growing along with it.

What does Amazon have to do with inbound marketing trends? Extraordinarily, argues marketing expert and Beeckestijn lecturer Hans van der Meulen. In fact, self-service is one of the big trends within inbound marketing, and the American tech giant does a good job of showing how to tackle it. Amazon makes it easy for customers to take care of things themselves.

Amazon Prime

Who doesn't do this will have trouble staying relevant, according to Van der Meulen. He points to Amazon Prime as a means of providing that relevance: no shipping costs, being able to watch all video and using Twitch for free. Nice for the customer, but it allows Bezos and co to bill seven billion dollars right at the beginning of the year. Plus: initial figures show that Prime holders spend several hundred dollars more per year than customers without this subscription.

Also, online, social and mobile are undeniable trends that ensure that basically every organization becomes a publisher. As a result, the battle for attention is fiercer than ever, which calls for personalization. "Personalization is also an important trend," states Van der Meulen. "Whoever wants to market something will have to tell their story in the most focused way possible and be careful not to want to sell something too directly, but focus on content that has value for the customer. This is quite a challenge given the information overload out there. And makes SEO a particularly critical factor."

Some other insights:

  • Although social has come of age, most people still start their online search through search;

  • Your own Web site remains the most important. Other platforms may suddenly change their rules;

  • Two out of three teens buy something online, and more than half do it on their phones;

  • 27 percent of Internet users still only use their phones. So think about your speed;

  • Range is one thing, but how do you hit someone? Think carefully about your message, how do you convince? What does the person actually see?

  • There is no right or wrong. Keep A/B testing and seeing how things work.


"The common thread through those trends is that it's crucial that Ternair 'listens' to what content people are using on your site right now," hooks Ternair consultant Ton Soddemann. This campaign management solution for data-driven one-to-one campaigns. In other words, a tool to provide relevance based on touch points and interactions. Think of mail opens, clicks, website visits, registrations/downloads, website logins and purchases. "Timing is key here," he says. "Campaigns are closer and closer to the action a visitor takes." When a visitor arrives at a Web site, Ternair explains what content they are viewing to know how best to retarget them if they don't convert.

Within the campaign set up accordingly, identifiable visitors are picked up - those known from, say, previous mailing signups. They are emailed content based on exactly what they viewed on the website. Then another reminder is sent after ten days, checking whether the person has visited the site at least once more in the meantime, as a good indicator of relevance. This approach leads to significant improvements in engagement (CTO, CTR).

Dynamic content via RSS

How dynamic, personalized content can be created is also shown by an application for travel website NRV. Site visitors' preferences, based on website behavior, are the input for urls that specify which "blocks" are of interest to the person in question. Think countries and group travel versus private travel. For someone who searched for Indonesia and looked at group travel, an email can be generated offering only that combination. Soddemann: "Which can be expanded to include multiple countries, sorting by price and more, for example. Information that people leave behind on the Web you unlock through a dynamic rss. Personalization, in other words."

Reacting to website behavior

Soddemann also points to Webhooks, a new functionality within Ternair Marketing Cloud. Where website behavior - such as a website click, leaving a shopping cart or a Facebook like - triggers a new action. Think of sending an email or text message when a customer clicks a subscribe button. "The feature can be placed anywhere and calls a url that can kick off a campaign in Ternair in real time. That makes it much faster and more effective than after the fact via Analytics," he concludes.

This article was published on Emerce on June 7, 2019.

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