How BSL improves client relationships with specific and up-to-date information

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Bohn Stafleu van Loghum

Media company focused on healthcare professionals

Thanks to the integration of all kinds of sources of customer information, Bohn Stafleu van Loghum (BSL) can approach customers in an increasingly targeted way. This is important for the media company because much less marketing information is distributed that goes unread. For customers, it means that they have to search much less for information they need. And now publishers and editors also get better insight into what customers really want because BSL can measure everything. Michael Dam, Manager of Marketing at BSL, talks about the added value of integrated customer management.

Solutions & results

  • 360 degree customer view

  • 50 to 60 million personalized e-mails per year

  • Privacy proof

Specific and up-to-date information

"About eight or nine years ago, the realization dawned that the data on our customers was too fragmented, and the realization grew that we were not taking advantage of opportunities with it. The previous years had been turbulent across the industry, including for BSL. Components were acquired or divested, publishing houses merged and were split. Each fund, sometimes even each publication, had its own customer database with its own software and unique structure. Around that time, BSL came into contact with Ternair. They had software to access all those different systems as one system, allowing us to track customers across titles."

All actions and developments in one place

In the meantime, customer information has long since gone beyond what is in the customer database. Data from online platforms, order information from the web shop, data from the various subscription databases and the event registration infrastructure also show what a customer is doing, when and to what extent. Michael Dam: "Now that information is accessible through a single data warehouse, so we have a 360-degree customer view of who all customers are, what they purchase, what they do, what they consult and when and how often they do so. We can also analyze developments in them. This is important to send only relevant offers when setting up marketing channels and not bother customers with information that is not relevant. But we also use it in analyzing the customer work process: we know better and better what information our customers want to receive through which channels and what not. So we have less and less to try out and wait to see if it catches on, but can develop in a much more targeted way. That applies not only to marketing communications but also to product development."

"With a 360-degree customer view, we know from all customers who they are, what they purchase, what they do, what they consult and when and how often they do so. In addition, we can analyze the developments in them. This is important to send only relevant offers when setting up the marketing channels and not to bother customers with information that is not relevant."

All the effects of email marketing

"Each year, we send 50 to 60 million emails via Ternair Marketing Cloud, Ternair's campaign management solution. Half of those are newsletters from our various brands, the other half are campaigns," Dam says. To put that in perspective, that includes major titles such as Skipr and Nursing (which is read by the majority of all Dutch nurses). "Ternair records how often a newsletter is opened and what is clicked on. We get all the data clearly presented on a dashboard that we set up with the visualization tool Microsoft Power BI. We can immediately see the performance of the various newsletters and campaigns. In addition, we can unlock all customer data in this tool and combine it with each other to closely monitor developments among our customers and subscribers. With Ternair, we can also perform A/B testing so that we know exactly which approach best suits the needs and behavior of a particular target group. We can even see how loyal customers are. Based on data, we can reasonably predict which customers will consider canceling their subscriptions when, and we can plan specific retention actions and set up customer journey flows accordingly."

Offering more targeted information

The way in which trade media are used is changing. As a media company, it is no longer enough to offer large piles of information; you have to play a role in how customers solve their problems. This is only possible if you know the customer and his needs well. The supply of professional information must increasingly match the work processes of users. "These work processes are constantly changing. So we have to constantly adapt our offer so that our information continues to match those work processes. So we do not make a static analysis but look at developments in real time. And we share what developments we see in the use of the information with the various publishing teams: they then also see which topics are popular with users and in what form we can best offer that information.

More sources

"We are not stopping innovating: we are continuing to integrate customer information. We do that by adding more and more sources to the data platform and analyzing with smart tools, for example, the behavior on a specific online platform. From that you can see what people are looking for, how they get to certain information. Based on that data, you can also better organize your e-commerce strategy. If you know what profession, what sector someone works in, you don't have to offer products that have no relation to that. This makes it much easier for customers to click through to the products that do interest them. One of the things we are working on now is that we will soon be able to specify the offering in the webshop on the basis of previous online behavior. That offer will then be relevant to the customer, which will greatly improve the conversion rate."


If you collect so much data about a customer, you have to handle it carefully. Not only because the GDPR/ AVG requires it, but mainly because clients expect it from a serious media company. Michael Dam agrees: "We have adjusted all our processes accordingly. To start with, Ternair's database is privacy-proof and we have adapted our opt-in processes to the new legislation."

Sharing experience

The more relevant your offer is, the more personal your bond with the customer becomes. As a result, the customer is more satisfied and loyal. To achieve that, you need specific software designed to provide clear insight into all the processes surrounding such a customer. "The tools Ternair offers are relatively easy to implement and quick to set up so that everyone can work with them. Moreover, they are pragmatic: your organization does not have to model itself after the software; the software is adapted to the wishes and needs of the organization. As a result, you quickly have a tool and environment you can work with. Moreover, they also have clients in sectors other than publishing, such as KLM, Vesting Finance and the RAI. They sometimes come up with surprising solutions, from which we can also learn something."

"The tools that Ternair offers are relatively easy to implement and quick to set up so that everyone can work with them. In addition, they are pragmatic: your organization does not have to model itself after the software; the software is customized to the needs and requirements of the organization."

About BSL

Bohn Stafleu van Loghum (BSL) is a media company focused on healthcare professionals. With high-quality, accessible professional information (online platforms, books and journals), tools, elearning products and events, BSL ensures that healthcare professionals have adequate knowledge and skills.

Bohn Stafleu van Loghum is part of the global Springer Nature.

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