Building the best customer journey with connectivity

De beste customer journey bouwen met connectiviteit | Ternair

Consumers today have a strong preference for a personalized customer journey that also runs through every conceivable touchpoint. It demands a lot from companies to meet these high expectations. As a marketer, you will therefore not only deploy the best tooling per touchpoint, but you will also have to connect those touchpoints in real time. In doing so, you build the very best customer journey your customers expect.

Personalized customer journey

The digital experiences we have with a brand like Coolblue, Picnic or color our customer expectations. Brands and organizations that optimally personalize the customer journey not only have an edge over the competition, they raise the bar. To the consumer, it all seems so easy: Why doesn't that online store also have as much product information as Coolblue? Why can't I see where my delivery driver is like Picnic? This expectation transfer is a logical consequence of continuous innovation.How not to do it, every consumer also knows. Then, for example, you bought those tennis shoes three weeks ago, but you are still presented with them daily via retargeting. Or you receive the exact same e-mail every week with the same products that were not in your size. The relevance is missing, and these companies are also driving away their customers that way. A shame, because according to a study by Accenture, 91% of consumers are more likely to store with brands that recognize them and offer a personalized experience. In addition, McKinsey reports that successful personalization can provide 20% higher customer satisfaction and a 10 to 15% increase in conversion. So why are there still brands where personalization is underperforming?

Choosing the right tooling

Personalization is the end result you get by using data smartly. With the tremendous growth in online channels and devices that brands and customers interact with, there is a lot more data available that you can do interesting things with. However, the challenge lies in the interpretation of these different touchpoints. You can opt for a suite solution from one vendor or various solutions from multiple vendors: a best of breed solution. For each business process, you then choose the very best tooling available, which is why this approach is growing in popularity.Conceiving, developing and improving a specialized marketing tool has become very approachable with the rise of cloud. This is why the amount of marketing solutions on the market is currently exploding: according to Scott Brinker's 2020 martech (marketing technology) report, there were 8,000 martech solutions spread across 6 categories and 48 subcategories. From specific tools for emailing, marketing automation, webinars, loyalty and influencer management to CRM, MDM and e-commerce.All of these parties excel in one aspect, focus on that and expand on that according to the adage shoemaker stick to your last. A good example is headless CMS, where the frontend and backend of the website are decoupled so you can build each component optimally. Marketers naturally lean toward the best-of-breed approach because they often take their personal tooling preferences with them to their next employer or assignment.

Connectivity is key

In order to personalize the customer journey, you will need to connect the various tooling and systems so that the data can move freely. This is not about collecting all data in a big data warehouse and only afterwards figuring out what you can actually do with it.You start with the need, collect the data you need to do that and deploy it in a targeted way. Like linking your CRM to your marketing automation tool so that the content of your newsletters matches buying behavior. Or feeding your Google Ads campaign in real time with segmented target groups that an AI model calculates. But also connecting with interesting data sources outside your own ecosystem, such as weather data, for example, in order to more sharply respond to the customer experience.

The choice for best of breed

The connecting of systems and tooling is quite easy via API or a direct link on an Azure database, for example. Compared to a suite solution, the best of breed approach requires much less IT support to put live; after all, it's not a new build what you're building. Also, when troubleshooting problems, you find the bottleneck much faster and you can solve them separately without disrupting other business processes.The costs of best of breed are also lower: you only choose the tooling you need, not a platform where you pay for all the functionality and don't use 30% to 40%. And because you build your best of breed architecture incrementally, the ROI is positive much faster. You're not stuck with one vendor, and you can quickly try out new tooling, experiment, and short-change your business quickly. So when do companies choose a suite solution anyway?

Business and IT

A suite solution provides standardization and built-in options that you can deploy with a snap. Once the solution is in place, the vendor will provide support and development, relieving the IT department of operational tasks. For the business side, there is no customization to differentiate yourself with, but the available modules can be deployed immediately.When considering between best of breed and a suite solution, IT and marketing seem to be on opposite sides because of their different goals. The trick is to equalize those goals. With ongoing digitalization, the conversation about marketing is increasingly about the underlying technology. For marketers, that means becoming more tech-savvy: better understanding what's possible and how to deploy functionalities to improve the customer journey every time. More than ever, IT has taken on the role of business enabler that requires looking beyond cost controllability and IT management. Only by working together multidisciplinary towards a common, business goal can IT and marketing find each other and strengthen each other.

Stepwise improving the customer journey

Eventually, the customer chooses with whom he does business. Personalization is therefore essential for an organization to stay relevant to your customers. Connectivity makes it easy to deploy the very best tooling for each marketing process and feed it with the right data. As you gradually build your own marketing ecosystem with this, you can respond more quickly to changing customer behavior. In this way, you not only make your marketing agile, but you continuously improve the customer journey. Exactly what your customers now expect from your company.

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