What is email marketing and how does it work?

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What is it and how does our solution work?

Deploy email marketing to repurchase customers, convert interested parties and inform others about your products, services, events. With our email marketing software, you make it easy on yourself while taking advantage of professional opportunities.

What is email marketing?

E-mail marketing is perhaps the oldest form of digital communication. It is still the most effective method, because you address your target audience directly. Email is the most lucrative form of marketing, thanks to the highest return on investment (ROI).

Simply put, you send emails to your customers, interested parties and others who have signed up for your mailing list(s). With the emails, you bring attention to your company, brand, product or service. This form of marketing is great for increasing sales, sharing updates and prompting action.


Why email marketing?

A whopping 99% of all consumers check their email inbox daily.

E-mail marketing combines targeted communication with a high ROI and all kinds of optimization possibilities. For example, with Ternair software you benefit from:

  • Easy content creation and automated content via RSS feeds

  • Templates and snippets in your house style, which you place where you want with drag-and-drop

  • Personalized emails

  • Customer profiles to perfectly personalize the subject, timing and content.

  • A/B-testing

  • Follow-up flows based on the open and click rate of your email campaigns

  • Maximum delivery (deliverability) of your emails

  • Optimal spam/robber recognition

Email marketing strategy

A sophisticated email marketing strategy guarantees good results. For example, consider these best practices:

  • Make it human

    There is no more human and personal form than email marketing. Make it human, both in text and approach and the images you use.

  • Pull the attention

    Use the subject of an email (and the preheader, the text visible in the preview pane of the inbox) to grab attention. Make sure you stand out without falling into terms that don't deliver on the promise, so-called click-baits.

  • Keep it short

    Tell it with a minimum number of words.

  • Use multiple CTAs

    Place a call-to-action both at the top and bottom of the email. Make it easy for quick decision makers as well as seasoned searchers to take action or contact you.

  • Over-deliver where you can

    Promise what you can deliver and preferably go one step further. That's the best email marketing strategy to increase dj ROI.

Email marketing software

With email marketing software or tools like ours, you're ready for next steps. Without proper data input with personal data from recipients, you can create the most beautiful emails, but they will never be truly relevant. Segment your target audience, automate emails, personalize them and test different variants. Then analyze what works best and adjust it immediately. Plus, email marketing software and programs help you keep track.

So looking for software to make your email marketing better? Unlock professional features while you can easily work with them. That's the advantage of easy-to-use tools, which turn out to be extremely powerful under the hood.

Email marketing platform

Our email marketing platform makes it easy to create personalized emails and send them automatically. We share real-time reports so you can instantly optimize your campaigns. Plus, we ensure the highest delivery rate with intensive monitoring, advice on sending domains, bot click monitoring. And with active list and bounce management, we prevent emails from not arriving or ending up in places where no one reads them. The biggest added value is that we link all your data (real-time) and you can use email in combination with other channels (website, social media, SMS). For the most optimal customer experience, journey and conversion.

Email marketing optimization

You want to optimize your e-mail marketing. So ask our specialists questions about the expected increase in conversion rate, the expected increase in emails opened and experiences with conversion from remarketing emails. After all, these are important KPIs for many organizations that are serious about email marketing.

Email marketing at Ternair

E-mail marketing belongs is one of the cores of our platform, which we use to make you successful online. However, Ternair is more. With Ternair, all your customer data is also available in real time and combined. We can load your content from an (online) location such as your website or webshop. You can also combine email with other channels such as website personalization, app push notifications and SMS. So are you running into limitations of your current email tool, do you currently use a CRM tool to email or is your email tool too complicated. Then we are your next step in personalizing your emails.

Our approach

Are you curious about our approach and the best way to deploy email marketing? We wrote a whitepaper on marketing automation, focusing on email in particular. Download our white paper and discover how it can help you take the next step to additional online success.

Tips for your email marketing

And are you looking for concrete tips, for email marketing and automation? Browse at your leisure through the knowledge articles we wrote. Or ask us your questions about them, if you're looking for more clarification. We are curious to hear your questions!

FAQ: frequently asked questions about email marketing

  • How can I use email marketing?

    E-mail marketing can be used very flexibly, tailored to your specific goal. Do you want to increase conversions, get more revenue from existing customers or expand your mailing list? We will help you achieve your goals.

  • What does email marketing cost?

    The exact cost depends on how you deploy email marketing and what you expect from it exactly. In any case, thanks to the high ROI you can be sure that at the end of the day it will pay you more than what it costs.

  • What companies use e-mail marketing?

    We deploy e-mail marketing for both large and small(er) organizations. Thanks to our experience at companies such as KLM, BNNVARA, Sijthoff Media, Doctors Without Borders, Bouwmaat and Vesting Finance, we understand what you find important and how we can help you with that.

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