Effective customer acquisition with lead nurturing and leadscoring

Sneller en effectiever werven met lead nurturing en leadscoring | Ternair
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Online marketing services

By offering targeted content, DTG converts visitors to DTG.nl into leads. To capture these leads, identify them and deliver them to sales at the right time, DTG was looking for a lead nurturing process. With the Ternair Marketing Cloud, leads that meet the lead score are automatically delivered to sales at the right time. All SMEs in the Netherlands are potential customers for DTG.

By offering targeted content such as knowledge articles, white papers and workshops, the company converts visitors to DTG.nl into leads. To capture, identify and deliver these leads to sales at the right time, DTG looked for a lead nurturing process. "DTG chose Ternair because the Ternair Marketing Cloud offers all the functionality to control and initiate customer and prospect interaction across all channels."

"DTG chose Ternair because the Ternair Marketing Cloud offers all the functionality to control and initiate customer and prospect interaction across all channels. Implementation was completed in no time, including customization to make the platform fit seamlessly with DTG's processes and organization. The result is that the time-to-market has been greatly reduced (from days to minutes), the quality and thus also the conversion of leads has improved significantly. In addition, Ternair enables us to further optimize the business impact across the entire marketing and sales funnel."

From 'Operational Excellence' to 'Customer Intimacy'

DTG wants to grow in customers, in váste customers and in revenue per customer. To achieve this, DTG needs a process that effectively acquires new customers from suspects and prospects. And a lead nurturing process that informs these suspects and prospecs step-by-step with relevant communication and converts them into customers. Lead nurturing and lead scoring At DTG, the SME entrepreneur as (prospective) customer takes center stage. Using the Ternair Marketing Cloud, he or she is optimally supported to become and/or remain a satisfied customer. A 'single customer view' is built of all visitors (profile data, contacts, contracts, what did the prospect / customer do / receive at what time via which channel). In order to convert the visitors into leads, lead scoring takes place on the basis of downloads, participation in workshops and other contact moments with DTG. To fuel this process, fully automated event-driven campaigns are sent out daily in the campaign management tool based on (real-time) behavioral data and lead scoring. Once qualified leads are automatically passed on through Ternair.

As "sales task" to DTG's CRM system

These leads are visible to sales via a lead form where all the underlying information of the prospect / customer is available and insightful. In this way, sales can respond well to the situation of leads. Ternair Datamart is used to measure and report on the sales funnel. Speed and efficiency Since the implementation of the Ternair Marketing Cloud, DTG's lead nurturing process has improved significantly. Every day, more than 250 leads are captured and followed up via Ternair. Leads that meet the 'sales qualified lead score' are automatically delivered to sales at the right time. This automation of manual work has resulted in cost savings. In addition, the time-to-market has become much shorter. Where in the past sales leads were only handed over after several days, this now takes place almost in real time. This significantly improves the quality and conversion of leads.

About DTG
DTG offers practical online marketing services to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Netherlands. The Amsterdam-based company helps entrepreneurs to be found more easily, present themselves online and connect with new customers.

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