Marketing Automation for finance and insurance

Finance | Ternair

Automatize communication the same way you make payment, finance and, for example, declarations easier. With marketing automation for finance and insurance, you communicate precisely at the right time with a personalized message for policyholders and others. With our software, you have all the tools you need to optimize data-driven.

Why marketing automation for finance and insurance?

Organizations such as Monuta, Vesting Finance, Crédit Agricole (Ribank) and Harmony make from collecting and activating current customer and behavioral data continuously. It forms the basis for relevant communication at the right time that leads to a better customer experience and conversion.

The financial and insurance industries demand trust. You want to build a strong relationship with your policyholders or financial customers. With personal communication at the right time, you prove time and again that you have a good understanding of what's going on. Meanwhile, you use all collected customer data to be optimally relevant at all times.

There's a lot to tell, but you'd rather not overburden your customers. Thanks to marketing automation for insurers and financial institutions, you limit the burden while communicating exactly what is important. Your employees use one platform with all (customer) data and all communication channels in one.


What does marketing automation for finance and insurance deliver?

Increase the relevance of your communications and experience how policyholders and finance customers trust you more as a result. Tailor the message to a specific target audience or even a unique segment. With our software, you'll become the financial institution that truly understands what matters.

  • Gain trust with relevance

    Who communicates relevant, is trusted better. Show that you understand what's going on and avoid messages about topics that policyholders or financial customers are not concerned with at the time.

  • Provide the best experience throughout the customer journey

    Map the entire customer journey of customers and always send the requested information. Provide the best experience by taking into account when certain content is needed.

  • Segment customers highly specifically

    Speak to each segment within the target audience in a unique way. Find underlying motivations by diving into the data. Use those insights to communicate better.

Marketing automation for finance and insurance: the best software

We understand that customer satisfaction is key when it comes to finance and insurance. That's why we've designed our marketing automation software to do just that. We know the insurance world and that of financial organizations and institutions. Our software offers you exactly the marketing capabilities you need.

  • Combine all customer data in one place

    Thanks to all customer data such as website behavior, customer service contact and payment information, you will always have one complete picture of everything that matters.

  • Communicate relevant information

    Use segmentation and personalization to communicate exactly what the customer wants to know about you. This is how you build long-lasting and loyal relationships with everyone you help.

  • Communicate consistently across all channels

    Integrate email, SMS, web push, app messaging, social media and even offline channels to come across consistently to policyholders and customers anytime, anywhere.

Marketing automation platform

Ternair is your marketing automation platform for finance and insurance. We help financial institutions and insurers with our software solution. We do that for Harmony and for Ribank, for example. As a result, we know what's going on in the industry and have tailored the software specifically to it.

Marketing automation at Ternair

Use our software to help customers at key decision moments and to optimize customers' financial experiences. Or deploy our platform to make onboarding more personalized. Our solution creates opportunities for data-driven communication and to automate it where it adds value for everyone.

FAQ: frequently asked questions about marketing automation

  • What data sources can I connect?

    Our platform for marketing automation for insurance and finance combines all customer sources. You can think of website behavior, customer service contact, payment information and, for example, profile data.

  • How do you protect customer data?

    Our marketing automation software complies with all major standards and legislation for information security within the European Union. All data is well protected.

  • What results can I expect?

    With marketing automation for finance and insurance, you will gain better insight into the effectiveness of your communications and discover opportunities to better serve customers and policyholders.

Online demo

Also getting started with marketing automation?

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