Marketing automation for travel and leisure industry

Reizen | Ternair

Generate more bookings with marketing automation for the travel and leisure industry. Automatically take language preferences into account and present relevant offers to everyone who shows interest. Combine multiple data sources and integrate communication channels to tell travel, leisure and what you offer in one voice. Our platform for marketing automation combines easy-to-use software with professional capabilities.

Why marketing automation for the travel and leisure industry?

Organizations such as KLM, NRV, and SpaOnline that already work with our platform turn bookers from website visitors. They collect and activate customer and behavioral data. It forms the basis for relevant communication that leads to a better customer experience and more conversion. With marketing automation for the travel and leisure industry, you align different communication channels to strengthen them together. Urge app usage or website visits and enrich data in the CRM. Launch last-minute offers when they are most effective and welcome customers with an SMS when they arrive.

What does marketing automation for the travel and leisure industry deliver?

Invest in leisure and travel marketing automation to make your communications more effective. Make it personal and make sure you are thoughtful, timely and relevant when it is convenient for the customer.

  • Directed conversation with customers

    Get more targeted conversations with customers because you know what motivates them and what is important to them. Analyze customer data and use those insights to improve communications.

  • Involve and be more relevant

    Demonstrate engagement and present relevant information when it matters. Get one step closer to the customer to further improve the (travel) experience.

  • Activate during actions

    Use insight into (underlying) needs to activate more effectively with actions. Know what is going on and discover what customers need to relax extensively.

Marketing automation for the travel and leisure sector: the best software

We have developed our software specifically for the travel and leisure sector. We understand what's going on and what's important, such as inspiring customers. Turn bookers from website visitors and send updates where there is a need at that specific moment.

  • Integrate communication channels for a better experience

    Communicate consistently via email and social media while enriching data in the CRM. Show web push messages that are relevant or present a last-minute offer when customers search for it.

  • Combine data from a variety of sources

    Use data and insights from website statistics, social media activity and clicking behavior in emails. Combine all that data for a 360-degree customer view that best inspires your customers.

  • Re-activate inactive customers

    Use our leisure and travel marketing automation software to re-engage inactive customers. Test and personalize communications until you discover the perfect approach.

Marketing automation platform

Our marketing automation platform offers professional capabilities for the travel and leisure industry. Meanwhile, you use user-friendly software that your employees can start using right away.

Marketing automation at Ternair

With our marketing automation for the travel and leisure industry, you develop customized offers and generate more bookings. Thanks to the constant flow of new bookings, you will automatically earn back the investment in automated marketing.

FAQ: frequently asked questions about marketing automation

  • What companies are already using your platform?

    Our software for marketing automation in the travel and leisure sector is used, for example, by Voy, CruiseReizen, NRV and KLM. The latter sends the iFly KLM Magazine to 10 million customers around the world.

  • What data sources can I link?

    Combine data from the website, social media, from newsletters and other sources. For example, analyze visited pages, clicks, previous bookings and other information from the CRM.

  • Can anyone work with your software?

    We have deliberately developed our software to be user-friendly. We have tailored the professional features to the travel and leisure industry so that you see exactly the features relevant to your organization.

Online demo

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