Omnichannel marketing: what is it and how does it work?

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What is it and how does our solution work?

You offer customers the best experience with omnichannel marketing. Because they are addressed at the right time through the desired channel and can reach you anywhere. Where each channel is also connected and uses information received through that channel. Therefore, align offline (location, trade show, event, direct mail, telemarketing) and online channels and use the most relevant channel for each customer personally at each moment.

What is omnichannel marketing?

Omnichannel marketing involves using and combining all possible channels that customers use to communicate with your organization. For example, you align signals on a physical location (in the store) and via digital channels (website, social media, email). You do this 1-to-1, for each customer personally, because customers differ in their channel preferences.

The omnichannel definition reads:

'Omnichannel encompasses marketing, sales and support across channels and platforms, for a cohesive and personalized customer experience with maximum brand equity.'

The goal of omnichannel marketing is to serve your customer as well as possible by using different channels. Only when digital campaigns, online information, personalized email and the salesperson in the store contribute to the same goal is there a maximum customer experience. This form of marketing brings all channels together to inform the customer at each stage based on needs experienced at that moment.

Why omnichannel marketing?

With omnichannel marketing, you build a better relationship with your customer. Customers are bombarded daily with messages from all kinds of companies and organizations. That makes them selective in who they like to stay in touch with. With omnichannel marketing, you show customers that you understand them. You increase engagement, benefiting from three key advantages:

  • Up to 30 percent more sales

    Customers buy from providers with whom they experience commitment. Once you prove that you understand the customer, you lower the barrier to purchase. This results in an average of 30% more sales.

  • More returning customers

    Engagement leads to more loyalty. Thanks to omnichannel engagement, you increase the percentage of returning customers. On average, those returning customers account for as much as 40 percent of sales.

  • Greater insight into the customer journey

    More insight into the customer journey. Thanks to the data on the various touch points during a customer journey, you map out more and more clearly at which points and moments you win the hearts of customers and where there is still room for improvement.

Omnichannel marketing strategy

A good omnichannel marketing strategy combines three key components:

  • Capture customer data and combine data sources

    Gather new insights from key sources and campaigns. A clear plan with flexible deployment lays the foundation for a strategy that matches the original omnichannel meaning.

  • Combining valuable insights and data in campaign management

    Use campaign governance (management) to leverage all valuable insights and data. Test and adjust data, content and channels in campaigns daily and remain flexible to adjust as needed.

  • Drive media channels with hyper-segmentations

    Use hyper-segmentation to communicate 1-to-1 across different media channels with a consistent message.

A good omnichannel marketing strategy creates a stronger relationship with your customer. To do so, you use relationship data and customer preferences to use the right "trigger" at the right time. That automation ensures you share the desired information or offer the experience at every touchpoint.

Omnichannel marketing software

"If all you have is a hammer, every problem is a nail." Psychologist Maslow saw that any kind of pigeonholing or framing leads to more of the same solution. A bigger, smarter hammer is the result. If you can't think outside your current toolbox, your solution remains limited.

The same is true for marketers' toolboxes. If your email channel, persona or current audience segmentation is your truth, that may be manageable, but it limits your ability to get more out of your market.

Omnichannel marketing platform

An omnichannel marketing platform ensures that touchpoints within the customer journey are brought together, can be continuously transformed into dynamic segments and activated across all channels. The omnichannel platform provides opportunities to address customers at the stage they are in. The collection of all those signals and opportunities to create experiences provides the overview to communicate the most valuable message at the right time.

Omnichannel marketing for Retail

With omnichannel in Retail, you combine communication through channels such as the Web shop for product information and ordering, the store for pickup, e-mail for invoicing and customer service for return processes. Instead of separate processes, you can align all these customer data integrally. For example, you take into account discount offers, other recent customer contact and reviews. This is how you put the customer at the center of Retail, based on an omnichannel marketing strategy that creates a better customer experience.

Omnichannel marketing for Financial Services

Financial services are shifting from being product-oriented to being customer-oriented. Based on customer needs, preferences and customer characteristics, we look at which product fits best and how it can be offered. This can be an insurance or investment product, but also a collection platform, a payment method or term plan.

Omnichannel marketing for events, trade shows, conventions, trainings

Trade show and event organizers recruit visitors and exhibitors through all channels over several months. Based on specific interests on various channels, visitors are triggered, trade show programs are honed and new exhibitors are encouraged to attend with their offerings. Contacts between both target groups are established prior to the trade show/event via apps; specific offers are communicated by email and social media to registered visitors. During trade show and event days, relevant information is distributed 1-to-1 via app and SMS based on the exact location of visitors. In this way, relevant experiences and encounters are created. Afterwards, contacts and networks are established and maintained. All channels, content and target groups are optimally used and connected. Redundant communication can be skipped, allowing optimal use of contact pressure.

Omnichannel marketing at Ternair

With Ternair, you deploy omnichannel marketing for any industry. Ternair combines the ability to combine all data with CDP (Customer Data Platform) functionality to supplement, transform and hyper-segment this data. The platform then activates the data through the built-in and connected channels, wherein your (first party) customer data and content is flexibly connected per customer.

Our approach

Our software avoids the need to first build a central database of customer data. Instead, our solution integrates with existing sources. Thanks to smart synchronization, you thus avoid strain on IT and data processes, long waiting times and incorrect assumptions in data models. At the same time, you can easily add current new customer sources.

With our campaign management tool you can perform real-time 1-to-1 hypersegmentation, without technical knowledge. This is how we make our omnichannel marketing software available to all users. Of course, our specialists are available to guide teams looking for support in setting up their omnichannel marketing or configuring web services and creating your content templates. You can do it all yourself, but you can also let us do it.

FAQ: frequently asked questions about omnichannel marketing

  • What is the origin of omnichannel marketing?

    Omnichannel marketing has emerged as a response to the increasing multimedia behavior of customers. The use of online and offline means is increasingly intertwined and the increasing number of channels, in addition to all advertising and incentives, requires a unified approach to the customer.

  • What does omnichannel marketing cost?

    The cost of omnichannel marketing depends heavily on the number of channels and data sources that are combined. With 30% average additional sales and more loyal customers accounting for 40% of sales on average, the investment normally pays for itself more than double.

  • What are the benefits of omnichannel marketing?

    Omnichannel marketing is the optimal communication strategy that both strengthens the relationship with customers and maximizes your chances of conversion, thanks to coordinated communication across all available channels. Moreover, you get much better insight into (the touchpoint during) the customer journey and your channels, allowing you to gradually optimize your channels and proposition.

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