How Vakmedianet applies dynamic and personalized content to websites

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B2B publisher

By deploying a 360-degree customer view and cleverly constructed campaigns, Vakmedianet not only makes newsletters dynamic but also the content on its websites. With a significantly higher click through ratio as a result, says Stephanie Gillisse, Marketing Manager Data & Development at Vakmedianet.

Solutions & results

  • Recognition website visitor for >50 titles

  • Data-driven relevant content

  • Increase CTR by a factor of 3 to 10

Dynamic and personalized content

As a b2b publisher with more than fifty titles, Vakmedianet constantly strives for relevance for its readers. To this end, the company has been working for some time with a 360-degree customer view compiled from various data sources: customer profile, subscriptions, transactions, newsletters and click behavior. With this information, the publisher knows what professionals from different fields and industries are interested in. And it uses that to better tailor its communications. For some time, it has been testing dynamic and personalized content on its websites. With deployment of the Ternair Marketing Cloud.


"On the basis of data in Ternair, we determine what content a specific visitor on the website does or does not see," Gillisse says about the pilot. Using digital 'fingerprints' - for which a visitor in the cookie wall must first give permission - a unique user behind the click behavior is recognized. This data is then usable within the Ternair environment.

When it is clear which visitor is involved, a system is put into operation to provide appropriate content. Both editorials and products such as events and white papers. For example, the application checks whether the visitor in question is already subscribed to the newsletter. If not, a pop-up can be shown for subscription. If he is already subscribed, you might choose to show nothing or set up follow-ups, for example. For example, has he requested the annual training guide? Or: has he already signed up for the biggest event coming up? Depending on the answer, an appropriate pop-up or content block is shown or not.

"Based on data in Ternair, we determine exactly what content a specific visitor sees or does not see on the website."

Relevant articles

Besides pop-ups, other parts can also be personalized. Gillisse: "In the side bar, we can show relevant articles. Not only based on what someone is reading now, but also what they read before." Or, if someone has not yet participated in an ongoing study, you can invite him to participate again in a content block on the website. Or show a free downloadable white paper there if the person in question has not downloaded it before, but has already shown interest in it by clicking through to it at an earlier time, for example. These are just a few examples, as many other applications are possible.

This approach required a number of adjustments to the standardized websites, which were identified through the pilots. Think of adjustments such as being able to measure through results and determining personalized content blocks. After testing with one title, a pilot with five titles is now underway with a view to full implementation next year. According to Gillisse, this acceleration is possible because once a campaign has been set up, it can simply keep running. The success the company achieves with this will carry over to new titles and projects. "

Increase in CTR by a factor of 3 to 10

The results so far do not lie. In particular, the click through ratio (CTR) has risen sharply. A commercial banner shown to everyone was clicked on average by between 0.1 percent and 0.3 percent of visitors. Since the new method, that has averaged around one percent. With even an outlier to thirteen percent. "You can show more banners to different, small, relevant groups," explains Gillisse. "We see that all the results go up. Even the conversion of the subscription form, for example. That is much higher than before."

"The results so far do not lie. In particular, the click through ratio (CTR) has risen sharply;

Best practices

The pilot has provided Gillisse with some important lessons, such as:

  • Start with your website and choose your possible expressions and positions;

  • There are handy plugins for WordPress and Sitecore that can help;

  • Start simple with 1 or 2 steps. For example, some yes/no questions;

  • Test on one website and title;

  • Hook up in terms of team a Ternair expert, database marketer and web specialist;

  • When you've done the first project, you can smoothly move on to multiple websites, positions or steps.

About Vakmedianet

Vakmedianet is the leading b2b publisher in the Netherlands with strong editorial brands for professionals in numerous functions and industries. The portfolio consists of magazines, online communities, knowledge bases, books, training courses and events. Vakmedianet thus makes subject knowledge accessible to professionals in an attractive way and offers networks for b2b advertisers.

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