RAI Amsterdam wanted to make a move into more demand-driven event facilitation. With Ternair Marketing Cloud's marketing database, RAI Amsterdam has a 360° customer view, revealing the overlap between visitors and exhibitors and between event visitors. This enables the organization to conduct targeted marketing campaigns.
The information about visitors to its own exhibition titles was fragmented at RAI Amsterdam in 2006. Each event had its own databases with visitor data. A link did not exist. This had to change; a clear picture of visitors and exhibitors was necessary.
Connecting data sources
In three months, Ternair set up a marketing database for RAI Amsterdam. Links were made with various systems. The ERP back office system (EBMS) provides exhibitor and order data. Newsletters can be sent via the link with the e-mail service provider. Click behavior is tracked with Google Analytics. For registration and scanning of visitors, a link was made with ticketing parties Paylogic and N200.
All information from the various sources is automatically standardized, for example by industry and function. Through fuzzy matching the marketing database recognizes all customers and merges them from the different systems.
"The extensive possibilities and flexibility of the Ternair Platform helps us daily in achieving our marketing goals. Ternair actively thinks with us about optimizations by acting as a partner in the cooperation. This way we stay relevant in our executive communication with our customers."
Mark de Bra - Database marketer RAI Amsterdam