360 degree customer view
360 degree customer view
Totaal: 10

360 degree customer view
Looking for a 360-degree customer view
Benchmark research shows that many organizations are struggling with data integration. Organizations are still looking for a 360-degree customer view.

360 degree customer view
Marketing automation: respond smartly to customer behavior
It's nice to know who your customer is, but knowing how they behave is even more interesting. You can do this with marketing automation.

360 degree customer view
Will we achieve the ambition of a "single customer view"?
Bringing all relevant data together to compile a complete and up-to-date "single customer view" has many advantages.

360 degree customer view
Booking a flight 2 times? Barriers in data-driven marketing
How do Dutch organizations score in data-driven marketing with large amounts of relationship data spread across multiple sources and communication channels?

Marketing automation
How Vesting Finance uses marketing automation for online payments
By adding email as a channel and cleverly optimizing shipping, Vesting Finance realized huge increases in online payments.

360 degree customer view
What is a 360-degree customer view and how does it work?
The term "360-degree customer view" reflects the commitment to having the fullest possible view of individual customers and being able to combine all available customer data.

Website recognition
How Vakmedianet applies dynamic and personalized content to websites
With an integrated customer view and cleverly constructed campaigns, Vakmedianet not only makes newsletters dynamic but also content on websites.

360 degree customer view
Relevance based on a 360° customer view
By building a 360˚ customer view of visitors, ISE is able to provide relevant content based on complete customer data.

360 degree customer view
Marketing database for 360º customer view
Ternair's marketing database gives RAI Amsterdam a 360° customer view.

Effective customer acquisition with lead nurturing and leadscoring
With Ternair's lead nurturing system, DTG can acquire new customers faster and more effectively. Based on lead scores are automated daily.