Will we achieve the ambition of a "single customer view"?

single customer view | Ternair

Achieving a "single customer view" is a big ambition for many marketers. Indeed, bringing all relevant data together to compile a complete and up-to-date customer profile has tremendous benefits. But for most organizations, it has never been entirely within reach. With more transactions and interactions going online, it should be easier. Right?

Are online data sources the new silos?

The addition of channels and the consequent multiplication of possible online interactions and touchpoints, it turns out, actually present new challenges. The Ventana Customer Relationship Management Maturity Benchmark indicates that an average of 6 data source categories per company are used for customer analytics. Within each category, of course, there are several more subcategories.

Only 31% of organizations have aggregated their reports and analytics at the customer level. That means the vast majority of companies are missing insights here that arise from a "single customer view. The aggregation of data and customer profiles is also often used to enable various forms of segmentation and targeting.

Targeting based on an aggregated customer profile

Time for a real-world example of a retargeting campaign, where different sources are brought together to enable more targeted communications and higher conversion rates. As a first step, internal data sources with customer profiles, subscriptions, transactions and newsletters were unlocked and linked at a publisher.

The click behavior on these websites is recorded within Google Analytics. Special trackers from the email and campaign management system and digital 'fingerprints' are used to recognize the click behavior on a personal level. Via Google Analytics' API, the click data is retrieved and unlocked. It is then combined with the other sources of customer data.

Retargeting enrollment workshop

Within the retargeting enrollment workshop campaign, dropouts who started the registration on the website but did not complete it are approached. They receive an email to still complete the registration. To select the right target group, the click behavior on the website (dropouts registration process) must be combined with the ERP system with transactions (exclude workshop registrations). Then the e-mail can be sent.

The publisher thus has access to a useful customer view, compiled from different data sources: customer profile, subscriptions, transactions, newsletter and click behavior. This enables the publisher to select specific target groups in a very targeted way based on all available customer data.

And unfortunately, not everyone succeeds yet. Research by Smart Insights shows that targeting based on data and customer profile is not possible for everyone within the daily application, let alone targeting based on an aggregated (single) customer view. Some of the companies have already made steps in this, but often have not yet reached the desired level.

Flexible deployment of data for marketing

The flexibility of the deployment of customer profiles and marketing data, in other words, data agility, is becoming more and more decisive. Marketing automation allows you to respond quickly to recent behavior.

The second component of data agility, simply enough, is "Getting Things Done. In the recent study "The Speed Imperative," Econsultancy confirms what we already knew. The time it takes to complete marketing activities is very important. If it cannot be done quickly and easily enough, features and tactics will simply not be deployed.

A marketer will need to gather information from customers - enough to be relevant. This means he must be able to capture all types of customer data (profile, transactions, interactions, behavior). And then must be able to aggregate, combine, analyze and apply this customer data quickly, easily and flexibly.

A conclusion from the report, therefore, is that there is a huge difference in marketing ROI between organizations that use a fast marketing system compared to those that have a slow system.

Start with a goalset, rather than a data set

Even before you start building the data as a marketer, it is important to think about what you want to achieve with this data. After all, by setting up the right processes, you can also guarantee the usability of that collected data. A central customer view does not necessarily become more valuable by bringing together the largest number of data points, or the most channels. It becomes more valuable by creating more value with it.

Bringing the data together, or improving data quality, is therefore not enough. The data that feeds execution must be usable, useful and valuable within its own context. In the first steps, making choices and "cherry picking" can go a long way to improving efficiency.

Doc Searls, one of the original authors of The Cluetrain Manifesto, cited a similar concept in his book "The Intention Economy. According to him, ultimately it's not about the largest set of data, or even the largest set of Big Data, but rather the very smallest set of data that provides those unique insights into the needs of the individual.

Before a new effort is undertaken, you can bring colleagues together and decide what the core profile should be, what the essential data are. And, in addition, what data is "nice to know. This has several advantages:

  • each piece of data is purposefully collected;

  • there is a hierarchy that makes progressive profiling initiatives easier;

  • the organization is encouraged to "value" data.

Get that opportunity!

Bringing together relevant data sources with customer data to compile a complete and up-to-date customer profile can offer your organization many benefits. However, within many organizations, online data sources, such as click behavior, are located in a data silo. This source is not yet unlocked and cannot be combined with the other data sources containing customer data.

Therein lies an opportunity. Click and other data can provide insight into orientation behavior that can be targeted with behavioral targeting, by approaching customers and prospects at the right time with relevant content.

Before you start building a 'single customer view', it is advisable to always ask yourself what you are going to use it for and what efforts are needed to achieve this. After all, bringing data together is never the end goal, but a means to market more effectively (more revenue), more efficiently (less cost) and better (higher customer satisfaction).

This article was published on Frankwatching on July 2, 2015.

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