Looking for a 360-degree customer view

360 graden klantbeeld | Ternair

The relentless stream of data left by customers online offers companies the opportunity to increasingly optimize customer interactions. But that's easier said than done. The benchmark survey by data-driven marketing agency Ternair shows that many organizations are struggling to integrate data.

There is no shortage of data in the media sector, but how can you use it optimally in one-on-one communications? That's the big question many organizations are struggling with, according to the third benchmark survey conducted by IJsselstein-based data-driven marketing agency Ternair. Customer behavior is changing rapidly, as are their needs. And customers don't wait; if their supplier is unable to deliver what the customer expects, they switch just as easily. The competitor is one click away.So the challenge is to get the sharpest possible picture of the customer. With a 360-degree customer view, organizations can respond in a personalized and real-time manner to changing customer needs. That is precisely where the problem lies for many organizations. Asked about the most important agenda items for executives in 2017, more than three-quarters of the benchmark survey respondents said that building customer satisfaction and customer retention is No. 1. At No. 2 is digital transition, well short of the first agenda item: this topic was mentioned by just under half of respondents.

Data integration

So it is clear where the priorities lie. Most organizations, including those in the media sector, now have extensive and diverse customer databases. Online, for example, for e-mail newsletters or based on e-commerce activity, and offline, for example, subscription files. Sometimes these files are integrated, often not, which makes it difficult to run integrated campaigns. Moreover, as a result of this lack of automation, the campaigns cost a relatively large amount of time and manpower. The return on campaigns is therefore too low.Many organizations are well aware of these shortcomings. Asked about the most important marketing challenge, survey participants put automating the marketing process at the top of their wish list (48 percent). In second place, they want to build and retain their customer base (41 percent), followed by the desire to have data available in real time to better respond to customer behavior (38 percent) and to get more return on the existing marketing budget (also 38 percent). Furthermore, 31 percent of respondents said they want to better integrate online and offline data. 'Only if we can do marketing based on customer behavior and profile are we able to fulfill their needs in such a way that we get sales and loyalty in return,' said one of the respondents.'The biggest marketing challenge is automating the marketing process | Ternair

Combined channels

As compared to the two previous benchmark surveys, there has been a slight shift in the channels that organizations use to engage with their customers. Favorites are still e-mail (100 percent) and social media (93 percent), but companies are increasingly succeeding in using their own website environment (76 percent) and mobile applications (52 percent) as well. And direct mail, postal mail, is also still an important marketing channel, at 72 percent. However, marketers still struggle to use these channels together, from one integrated system, in communicating with customers. Email (59 percent) and direct mail are still the most successful. With other channels, such as website visits and social media (both 28 percent), this is much less successful. Of the respondents, 28 percent say they are not yet able to work in an integrated way at all. In other words, they cannot run a single campaign across different, combined channels.Email marketing dominates communications mix | Ternair

Information Trail

The consequence of poor integration is that not many organizations are yet able to align their campaigns with current customer behavior. Almost all organizations (97 percent) use standard newsletters, but that has little to do with customer behavior. Both the content and the timing of sending are determined by the company itself. Of the respondents, 62 percent say they are able to run a campaign based on customer behavior. But only 28 percent are able to launch a campaign with predictive components, based on real-time personalized information.And that's despite the fact that customers leave a trail of information: in the crm system, through email campaigns, through website visits, through e-commerce, at call centers and countless other channels. The numbers show that most organizations capture this data neatly. Almost all companies use NAWTE data (97 percent) and also track transactions (93 percent). There is also a lot of data on customer service, website visits and social media contacts. Over forty percent of companies also enrich this data with external profiles. Many companies are also doing their best to collect online data on visits - opens, clicks and bounces - and other online contact moments. Cookies, in particular, are growing in popularity: in 2016, only 27 percent of respondents said they collect them, now 59 percent do.

Nearly all organizations use standard newsletters | Ternair


So few organizations have a customer view that can be used - near - real-time and personalized: 13 percent. Customer data is hidden in various systems and cannot be combined (28 percent), somewhat (14 percent) or only partially (45 percent). Only four percent say they can use online and offline data in real time for outbound marketing. Ten percent say they can, but not real-time and 48 percent can partially. For inbound marketing, the numbers are similar: ten percent can combine the online and offline data, but still not real-time, 41 percent can do it partially. The content that organizations use for their marketing efforts is therefore overwhelmingly (90 percent) chosen based on segmentation criteria and on online profiles and behavorial targeting (41 percent). Only 17 percent use integrated real-time data for this purpose.

Growth potential

Organizations themselves recognize the biggest bottlenecks to data-driven one-to-one marketing. 'It's increasingly about relevance and connecting to the customer's current need. Real-time availability and use of data are then essential,' said one respondent. Organizations themselves see data integration (76 percent), data quality and timeliness (52 percent) and channel integration and employee knowledge levels (both 41 percent) as the most important issues. The right tools (45 percent) are also often lacking. They see the solution not only in the knowledge level of their own employees, but especially in the adoption of the right technology: 83 percent say this will play a major to very major role. The majority of respondents think that this is an issue they need to get right in the next two years if they want to maintain or strengthen their competitive position. On average, they expect to grow 7 percent with this.

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