What is Churn?
Churn is also known as customer turnover. The term is used to describe the number of customers your business loses over a period of time. You use it to indicate your company's ability to attract and retain customers. Churn has a direct impact on the profitability of your business, so it is important to understand churn. For example, what are reasons for customers to churn.In general, it costs more money to attract new customers than to retain existing customers. To chart the percentage of customers who churn, the churn rate is a good indicator.
What is Churn Rate?
Churn rate is an important criterion for measuring the percentage of customers your business loses. You calculate the churn rate by dividing the number of customers leaving in a given period by the total number of customers at the beginning of that period. The period can vary from a month, six months, a quarter to a (number of) years. A high churn rate may indicate problems with your product or your service. A low churn rate, on the other hand, means that your business is successful and it knows how to retain customers.
Churn Customer
A churn customer is a customer who decides to leave your company and stop buying your products or services. There are several reasons why customers churn. Some customers change needs or circumstances, so your products or services are no longer needed. Other customers may be attracted to a competitor that offers better customer service. It is important to understand churn customers and learn why they leave. Your company can take proactive measures to retain customers and reduce churn in the future. These can be various measures, such as improving your customer service, enhancing your products or services or creating targeted marketing campaigns. Retaining your customers is essential to the growth and profitability of your business. Preventing churn can help improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.