How Agrio provides its target audience with high-quality and personalized content

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Agrio helps farmers with high-quality and personalized content. It's about ensuring that the farmer gets exactly the information he is looking for or the knowledge partner reaches exactly the farmers who are considering making a particular purchase. To distribute both information and marketing messages in the most targeted way possible, Agrio makes optimal use of data.

Solutions & results

  • Integraal customer view

  • From outbound to inbound

  • Customized information

  • Better service through online and offline channels

  • New revenue models

High-quality and personalized content

Agrio is a trade publisher focused on the agricultural sector. Because the information needs of farmers vary greatly by sector, from large-scale arable farming to small-scale livestock farming and all its variations, and there are also major regional differences, Agrio publishes many titles that target specific audiences. But the individual farmer is interested in more than one topic, for example, in a certain type of products, means of production and implements and in regional information. Moreover, there are also topics that transcend sectors and regions, such as planning, climate and manure. Previously, each magazine had its own database of customer data, which made it difficult to put together a tailored, relevant offer. This is why Agrio has invested in the Ternair Marketing Cloud that makes it possible to combine all data and thus engage in data-driven marketing.

Arjan Goorman, Head of Marketing at Agrio: "We want to capture as large a market share as possible, both among readers and advertisers. To achieve that we maintain a good value for money and try to be smarter and more innovative. Some time ago, we saw that data-driven marketing was essential for further growth. More or less by chance, we talked about this with someone from Vakmedianet in Doetinchem.

New business models

Good software is not the only thing needed to do data-driven marketing. The product portfolio, strategy and organization must also be overhauled. "We now use very different revenue models," says Arjan Goorman.

"For example, we now organize forty events a year, which used to be six to eight. Because we can now link visitor data to subscription data, we can create much more precise profiles. That is not only good for the readers and visitors, who get more relevant offers, but also for the advertisers and event partners, who know much better what the visitors are interested in. You can also see that other visitors are coming to the events: they are very targeted in their search for information and certain products."

Now all data are linked, such as company data, website traffic, response to mailings and conversations with customer service. Goorman: "That is not only interesting for marketeers, but also for the various editorial departments: they can now immediately see what is going on among the target group and can explore those themes in greater depth in the monthly trade magazines."

By combining the data from different titles, you no longer overlook a potential interested party and you therefore increase the potential reach considerably. But often the matches are not at all about the size of the reach but the quality. It is about the farmer getting exactly the information he is looking for or the knowledge partner reaching exactly the farmers who are considering making a certain purchase.

After a year and a half, the impact is clear:

"We were push-oriented. That's outdated. We now work inbound: we first identify the information needs of our readers and advertisers and adjust our offerings accordingly."

Information tailored

The information provided by Agrio consists of part editorial articles and part content marketing. For both, it is important that the articles are useful: farmers do not like blabla. "Knowledge partners are advertisers who want to connect with potential customers through content marketing. It is not about touting products, but about helping farmers with their operations. Of course, the knowledge partner's products can play a role in this. Such a company wants to focus on farmers in a specific sector or region, because they are the ones facing a specific problem. For example, farmers considering buying a milking robot each have their own customer journey, which depends, among other things, on farm size. By offering the right information at each step in the decision process, a supplier can optimally guide the farmer to the choice that best suits his specific farm." Companies can become knowledge partners if they want to share their relevant knowledge with farmers. Among them are some major brands in the field: ForFarmers, John Deere and Bayer.

Although the target group still likes to read from paper, Arjan expects that in the foreseeable future the entire offering will be cross-media. Now many titles are already cross-media: on paper, online behind a login and combined with an event, but a number of trade magazines still appear exclusively on paper. "On the one hand, the sector is aging and older people are used to paper. But also many young farmers like to read from paper. On the other hand, automation is also completely established in the agricultural sector. From milking robots to drones and VR: young farmers find it all very common. We want to reach them through their preferred medium. Online, everyone gets access to exactly the content that goes with their subscriptions. That is also made possible through Ternair."

To ensure quality in both editorial and partner content, Agrio helps partners create their content. Arjan Goorman: "We have everything in-house: a video team, graphic designers and content marketers. We see that video is becoming increasingly important. With over 100,000 subscribers on Trekkerweb and 52,000 on Agrio TV, we have an enormous reach. That includes product videos, trade show videos and corporate videos. Our partners have their own page within our environment, so they can distinguish themselves but still be easily accessible. And of course, all viewing data is involved in the analyses."

Testing and continuing to innovate

"There is no recipe for success that you can follow when you start doing data-driven marketing. We are constantly testing and doing. Testing is not just about form and content; timing is also very important. The reader has to be offered the information at the time he is interested. Only then is there a chance that someone will actually read the page. Online you can immediately see the effect of a change, but we also do interviews at farmers' homes: asking what they like to read. Ultimately, we want to reach everyone in the best possible way one way or the other."

Developments are moving fast. Arjan Goorman expects that in a few years everyone will be working mainly with personalized information, both the farmer and the advertiser. "We are busy with that: always developing, testing and improving new services. One of the things we are developing now is e-commerce, in cooperation with our partners. If farmers can find all relevant products in one place, and they get a buying advantage as well, they are guaranteed to be interested. Farmers love benefits. Ternair thinks along with them from the business point of view: we share the passion for innovation: they want to accelerate, just like us."

Integer customer view

Agrio has been making fanatical use of the Ternair Marketing Cloud for several years and has been building an extensive marketing database in which several data sources have been merged. This is accessible for various marketing purposes, for both internal campaigns and campaigns arising from partnerships. With the Agrarian Database (AAD), Agrio has over 50,000 current addresses, including virtually all Dutch farmers, with their farm-specific characteristics. These characteristics, together with behavioral data, provide an integral customer picture. This enables us to know what farmers in different fields are interested in and to select readers in a targeted way and provide them with high-quality specialist information, as well as connect partners with interested farmers. For example, through content marketing, lead generation or event marketing. "In this way we can provide a better service through our online and offline channels and continue to offer added value to readers and advertisers. The available data and distinctive content create great, new connections from which advertisers can also benefit."


Agrio is multifaceted media company with a leading, cross-media agricultural portfolio. Thanks to independent and critical reporting, farmers are continuously provided with high-quality professional information that supports them in their business operations. In addition, Agrio works with agribusiness companies to translate their optimal communications.

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