Sending Web Push Messages from Ternair

Web Pushberichten | Ternair

A new customer channel is available in Ternair Campaign, you can now deploy Web Push. Web Push Messages, also known as Browser Push notifications or Push notifications, are messages from your website that are displayed through the browser on laptop, desktop or mobile.

This channel arose from the need to be able to send messages from websites just like native apps. A major advantage is that this channel does recruit subscribers without collecting personal data from recipients, as with e-mail and SMS. Also, nothing needs to be downloaded like an App. However, users do have to give explicit permission to receive messages. Messages are displayed when the browser is started, regardless of whether the user is active on your website. They are usually used for (breaking) news, unique offers and to create more engagement with the website. The appearance of a Web Push message varies by browser and also by operating system.

"Because of the low barrier to entry, the number of subscribers is growing rapidly; because of the deliberate opt-in, the conversion rate is excellent"

Results Web Push Messages

Surprisingly good are the opt-in and response results of this channel. Surprising because many had actually expected Web Push -the name says it all- to come across as too "pushery. Like ads appearing as pop-ups. Sometimes right after opening a page and completely out of context. It soon became clear that this channel should go in a different direction, and that was partly enforced by the browsers themselves, who have every interest in a pleasant Web experience. By now, Web Push increasingly includes explanations of what users can expect and what choices they can make for themselves. Then Web Push, with the right timing and content tailored to expectations and user needs, proves to be an extremely valuable tool. With low-threshold entry, the number of subscribers is growing rapidly, and because of that conscious user opt-in, conversion on messages is excellent.

What is a good Web Push message?

A good message uses

  • a image preferably in HD, to attract attention and for recognition with the sender, for example by the logo.

  • A short and concise message. Displayed messages are scanned very briefly, so the first sentence should communicate THE content.

  • Most importantly, immediate action is expected. That is the power of a Push message. And also a risk, because if target audience, timing, and content are not sufficiently relevant, the effect of this channel also drops quickly.

Easy come, easy go

While users do not have to leave any data behind and a click on "allow" is enough for an opt-in, the same is true the other way around. Once declined, the likelihood that a user will still change his or her browser settings to consent is not high. So focus on relevant timing and information and limit yourself to highlight moments. A weekly offer is much less appropriate than a rare "gone = out.

Easy to set up

Great advantage of the channel is that as a sender, you have it set up quickly. A limited number of settings with your Web Push provider and placing some code in your site is all it takes. After this, you can fully focus on the crucial success factors: content, timing (and frequency) and target audience. Your recipient's short attention span and limited space forces you to pursue a very clear goal with your messages. Think reminders based on visited content, breaking news and time-based alerts.For Ternair users, the added benefit is that Web Push is now fully integrated on your data and content flow builder among the other Campaign channels.

Web Push versus other channels

Of course, omnichannel deploys all your channels. Most marketers want each channel to contribute to contact with prospects and customers, and thus to engagement and conversion. Each channel has its own function and purpose.


Web Push is an attractive choice compared to marketing a (native) App. Development times of native apps are relatively long and boosting downloads and usage is time and cost intensive. Especially for organizations with a relatively low transaction frequency, Web Push is an excellent alternative to a native App. In any case, do not send Web Push messages to users who already have App push notifications enabled. For that, the channels are too similar in users' experience, and this is thus perceived as irritating overlap.


Web Push messages do not run the risk of ending up in a spam folder like e-mails. It is also not blocked by adblockers, but displayed directly in the browser. Even if your website is not open. On mobile, it is displayed in the notification screen, just like App push notifications. Relevance and timing plays a big role, where smart email personalization based on data makes you increasingly relevant to readers, Web Push messages are sensitive to opt-ins and opt-outs. That means setting clear goals and content planning including a test plan for the channel in advance.


Web Push is a channel that you deploy at the times when your target audience is active online, directly linked to the purpose of your website. So for B2B during working hours, for B2C outside working hours. That is when the browser is open and the relevance is highest. The SMS channel is more widely applicable than your website, especially at moments where service or (mobile) location play a major role. Like, for example, sending personal data or confirmations. By the way, Web Push messages are very suitable as a service channel for website users.


One of the most important learning points is not to copy messaging in different channels. You can sometimes make references to channels or use channels sequentially in your omnichannel strategy. Under no circumstances copy messages indiscriminately, as you are not doing users justice by doing so. Follow in your user's footsteps and think about when they are using which device in which context or expect to use content (your messages).

Explore Ternair

Want to know more about Ternair's Web Push functionality?

Please talk to a specialist and find out how Web Push Messages can improve the bottom line within your organization.

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