Hypersegmentation: what is it and how does it work?

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What is it and how does our solution work?

Hypersegmentation helps you zoom in on a specific customer segment. Use audience segmentation to offer exactly what certain customers need, based on data. Increase your returns by 20% to 50%, by taking into account concrete preferences within the target group and differentiating between segments within B2C, B2B and multiple types of customers.

What is a customer segment?

The total target group you want to serve consists of multiple customer segments. Grouping customers into segments makes it easier to meet their specific needs.

A customer segment combines customers with similar needs, common behaviors and other similarities. Segments can be large or small. Your company's business model determines the extent to which you can serve the segments with products, services or solutions that that segment seeks.

Different customer segmentation models and definitions help you divide the target audience based on:

  • Needs that call for unique offerings

  • Distribution channels to reach customer segments

  • Different forms of relationships

  • Required willingness to pay for your offerings

  • Profitability that may vary

What is target group segmentation?

Target group segmentation is another word for customer segmentation. You can segment the target group within B2C, B2B and, for example, e-commerce. Our software helps you determine for whom you are doing it and what approach that requires. For example, you can serve the following customer segments:

  • Mass market

    The audience segmentation criteria are least strict in a mass market. You focus the value proposition, distribution channels and customer relationships on one large target group. This is especially common with consumer products, such as electronics.

  • Niche market

    The opposite is a niche market. Which, on the contrary, requires very specific customer segmentation. You tailor the proposition, distribution and customer relationships to very specific requirements. This is common among B2B suppliers and their customers.

  • Segmented market

    Companies serving a segmented market target multiple parts of the audience. For example, these include banks with investors up to €100,000 and high net worth individuals with more than €1 million in assets.

  • Diversified market

    Diversified target market segmentation involves multiple segments that are separate from each other. Large companies sometimes serve B2B and B2C customers. Both types require completely different approaches and approaches.

  • Multi-sided markets

    Other credit card companies serve both customers who use the cards and stores that accept the credit cards. It calls for two separate approaches, for both sides of the target market.

Target Group Segmentation Model

A good target group segmentation model maps out who exactly you are serving as well as possible. And how you align your offerings, distribution and, for example, relationships with them. You then take into account factors such as:

  • Geographic data

  • Demographic differences

  • Psychographic elements

  • Socioeconomic factors

  • Social-economic factors

  • behavioral characteristics

  • Customer life cycle

  • Buying motives and motivations

Only when the segmentation criteria you use are homogeneous, attainable and measurable can you effectively segment a target group. Moreover, keep in mind that the segment must be large enough to become profitable.

Hypersegmentation at Ternair

You can use our software to collect the important customer data and then get more out of it. Thanks to a marketing automation tool, you leverage the potential of customer and audience segmentation. Our software helps you set up a flexible data model and easily combine all data and use it for your channels and segmentations.

Our approach

Make your data quickly accessible, especially for marketing automation based on hypersegmentation. That's how you make sure you get more done. No technical knowledge is required, and even with a small team a lot is possible.

Don't know what to do? We are happy to guide you to use our software smarter. Help is always available, just when you need it.

FAQ: frequently asked questions about hypersegmentation

  • Is hypersegmentation right for my business?

    Hypersegmentation can be used successfully with a large or small team for your business, whatever industry you are in. Use our software the way you want, as it suits a solution for (hyper)segmentation.

  • What does customer or target group segmentation deliver?

    Thanks to customer and target group segmentation, our customers realize an average of 20% to 50% more sales. That's extra revenue from existing customers, so a higher return thanks to this investment.

  • How do I collect the data I need?

    Our software helps you collect the right data, clean it up when needed, and get insights that help you make the next decision. This way you always have the data you need.

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