Nursing wins LOF award 2019

BSL Nursing | Ternair

Nursing has been named a 2019 winner by the independent LOF College for Professional Information. The LOF award for Vakinformatie is the biennial quality award for professionally informative, scientific and professional products and services for profession and business. The award was presented Thursday, Jan. 31, at the Volkshotel in Amsterdam.

Quality award for informative, scientific and professional products

Annemarie Jorritsma (president LOF College) quotes from the College report:"Nursing makes the difference for the personal professional development of nurses, connects its readers, reflects on professional content and practice, takes a political stand where necessary, informs about social developments relevant to healthcare, has an eye for the emotional side of the profession and lets its readers have their say. For nurses, Nursing is indispensable. And that is precisely what makes Nursing the unmistakable winner of the 2019 LOF Award for Professional Information."

Ternair Marketing Cloud

Nursing is a publication of Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. Also nominated for the LOF award for Professional Information 2019 were the following brands:

  • Adformatie - Sijthoff Media

  • Cobouw - Vakmedianet

  • Renda - Aeneas Media

Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, like Vakmedianet and Sijthoff Media, works with Ternair's marketing automation solutions.

The LOF award for Trade Information 2019 is an initiative of the Lucas-Ooms Fund Foundation and Branch Association Media for Trade and Science (MVW).

LOF College for Professional Information

The award is given by the LOF College for Professional Information. Its members come from business, politics, journalism, science, media and publishing.

The LOF College is chaired by Ms. Annemarie Jorritsma and consists of: Professor Kitty Koelemeijer, Nyenrode Business University; director and entrepreneur Professor Bart Brouwers, RU Groningen; media entrepreneur and expert Professor Valerie Frissen, University of Leiden; director SIDN fund; supervisor Michiel Bicker Caarten, media specialist and author Professor Jeroen van Erp, Delft University of Technology; partner/founder Fabrique Sandra Kroon, board and management consultant; media professional Dries van Ingen, general director Boom Publishers Amsterdam (1996-2017); winner of the 2015 LOF prize, currently director a.i. Poetry International Rotterdam; executive coach and consultant innovation publishing Geert Noorman, on behalf of LOF Foundation.

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