Emerce B2B Digital: 'Drinking coffee with the customer often still works best'

Emerce B2B Digital | Ternair

Bouwmaat, the wholesaler of building materials aimed at "real professionals," is now fully committed to hyper-personalization. "When we send out a newsletter, we already know what tools the customer uses," says Nick Vieberink, Manager of Marketing and E-commerce at Emerce B2B Digital.

Omnichannel shopping experience

Many years ago, Bouwmaat had an online store that operated separately from its dozens of branches. Tools, for example, were offered at discounts to encourage customers to order online. "

In the end, this led to skewed sales at the branches and we also saw a decline in sales at the stores."

Today, everything at Bouwmaat is about omnichannel. No more cannibalization, no more separate actions through separate channels, but a data-driven experience that determines, for example, whether the customer orders online or picks up orders in store. Hence Bouwmaat offers customers insight into store inventories, "so you can get your drywall right away."

Own bosses in construction

The chain focuses on own bosses in construction, or self-employed workers. Traditionally, the company has known its customers personally. Personal service and advice, combined with smart ordering, preparation and delivery has long been policy.

And so that personalization is also being implemented digitally. "We know in many cases, based on previous purchases, the brand preference of our customers," Vieberink explains. "Tiler customers are hugely brand specific. If you get a mailing from us about a drill you get to see your favorite brand because you already have batteries from that."

Doubling customer satisfaction

Vieberink does venture to say that his organization is "the most personalized platform for the self-employed. "It happens that we send as many as 200 different newsletters."

Customer satisfaction has increased in three years as a result, sales in stores and online have more than doubled.

Bouwmaat further uses artificial intelligence to retain customers. "In ninety percent of cases, we can predict when a customer will drop out," said Vieberink. "Our experience is that a cup of coffee, or a personal conversation, works wonders."

Emerce B2B Digital

Emerce B2B Digital is an event by Emerce where frontrunners and experts in B2B tell you how to make digital ambitions a reality. How do you catch on in digital, how do you strengthen your online position? Now is the time to realize your digital ambitions and not to be left behind in e-commerce and online service. Hear tactics and best practices on digital transformation, next level e-commerce, online customer experience, marketplaces and technological innovations.

This article was written by Jan Libbenga and sourced from and published on Emerce.

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