What is website recognition and how does it work?

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What is it and how does our solution work?

Who is visiting your Web site? With regular website recognition you can see which companies click on your pages. With our individual website recognition, you can see which people click on your pages. It gives you unique, valuable information that allows you to tailor your offer more specifically to who is reading and viewing what. Our software helps you increase individual website conversion. Because all data is based on user consent, it is first party data (your own data, it works only on your own websites) and you have the consent of your users.

What is individual website recognition?

Individual website recognition combines data and software. You collect data from visitors to your site, the number of visits and pages visited. With smart software, you bring that data categorically, clearly into view and discover patterns you can act upon.

Individual website recognition combines data collection and analysis with website improvement to increase conversion and customer-centric communication. Recognition allows you to better tailor your audience's signals to their concrete and specific needs.

If conversion is lagging behind what you would expect based on visitor numbers, then recognition probably offers opportunities. Find out who is visiting your website and whether they are prospects you do not yet know how to convince, or whether they include uninteresting traffic due to a false expectation via SEO, SEA, email marketing or social media.

Why individual website recognition?

With individual website recognition, you establish behavior on your website. That knowledge, combined with other data you have on customers and prospects, such as orders and click behavior in emails, forms the basis for optimization. If you know by whom and how your pages are clicked on, you can offer them the information they need.

  • Better insight into your visitors

    You collect relevant visitor data that gives better insight into what your relations are looking for and when. Thanks to your own data collection, you are no longer dependent on external third-party cookies or other data sources. Sources that can be used more and more limited due to privacy protection issues. It is better to collect your own data based on active consent.

  • Basic goal is optimization

    If you know who is visiting the website you can optimize the page(s), better use your other channels and analyze behavior. Our software clearly maps out for whom you are optimizing and what the needs of the target audience are.

  • More conversion

    The optimization of your communication is the basis for more conversion, i.e. more sales. You generate that extra revenue from existing or new visitors, because then you not only know what they bought, or when they downloaded something, but also better understand their current behavior.

Individual website recognition: data and software

Individual website recognition initially collects relevant data from visitors. They share via an opt-in data such as:

  • The pages visited

  • The number of pages visited

  • The number of visits

  • The total visit duration

  • The date of the last visit

With specific 'tags' you can enrich this data automatically. The difference with regular website recognition based on IP address is that this only collects data at the organizational level. Because you do not know who exhibits what behavior, this gives you far fewer opportunities to understand the customer's needs and respond to them in a 1-to-1 personalized manner.

Individual website recognition software

The combination with our marketing automation software makes all the data available in a well-organized way. And more importantly, it creates opportunities to discover patterns in that data and optimize communications based on them. This can be done on the website, but also via e-mail, the sales or customer service department, or any other channel. The combination of data and software allows you to fine-tune communications and messages.

Individual website recognition at Ternair

We offer you a unique first-party data solution at Ternair. That means we collect actual reading and clicking behavior based on an opt-in. This way you create interest profiles of both anonymous and already known users.

Thanks to our first-party data collection and individual website recognition solution, you are no longer dependent on third-party data and data collection outside the EU (Google Analytics). Instead, you collect, label, recognize, identify and integrate entirely based on your own sources.

Our approach

With our individual website recognition software, you launch personalized next-best-experience campaigns based on visitors' web behavior, the content you publish and relevant products you display.

Our software makes it possible to show or send personalized content exactly when the visitor needs it. Moreover, a trigger moment from a customer automatically starts a 'schedule' with automatic follow-up campaign, for example, a personalized website, personalized email, an app or web push message or a text message.

FAQ: frequently asked questions about individual website recognition

  • How does individual website recognition work?

    You collect relevant data from visitors through an opt-in. That's how you build interest profiles of anonymous and known users. That provides you with information about who is visiting the individual Web site. You don't capture individual website behavior from visitors who don't opt-in.

  • What does individual website recognition provide?

    The data from your individual website visitors provides a much better picture of who and when pages are clicked and what needs are behind them. By combining behavior with other data and characteristics of your target groups, you create a complete personalized customer view. This allows you to better help customers with relevant information or by omitting irrelevant information and communication.

  • How can I deploy it?

    On the basis of an opt-in, we collect first-party data on your website(s). That data provides insight into your visitor's behavior. This forms the basis for personalizing content on both the individual website and email.

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