
Remarketing campaign: what is it and how does it work?

Attracting new customers is a crucial part of any strategy. However, what happens to the potential customers who visit your website, but do not immediately proceed to purchase? This group of potential customers has already shown interest in your product or service, and it would be a shame to forget about them. This is where remarketing campaigns come into play. In this article, we will dive deeper into what remarketing is, why it is essential for a successful marketing strategy, and how to set up an effective remarketing campaign using tools like Ternair.


What is a Remarketing campaign?

Remarketing, also known as retargeting, is a strategy where you show ads to people who have visited your website or app before, but have not yet taken any action. The aim of remarketing is to remind these potential customers about your brand and encourage them to return and still make a purchase.

Remarketing campaigns allow you to reach these potential customers again through different channels such as Google Ads, social media or email.

Imagine someone visits your website and seems interested in a product, but leaves the website without buying anything. With remarketing, you can later re-engage this visitor with ads specifically targeting the product they viewed earlier. This increases the chances of them returning to your site and eventually converting.

Note: Sending commercial emails requires an opt-in. This gives a customer permission to receive emails. You can ask customers for permission when creating an account, filling out a form or making a first order.


"Remarketing can increase conversion rates by as much as 150% by showing repeated brand messages to an already interested audience."


How do you set up a remarketing campaign?

Setting up a remarketing campaign can seem complex at first, but by following the process step by step, you can create a campaign that is effective and focused on achieving your marketing goals. Here are the key steps:

  1. Define your goals: The first thing to do is to define the goals of your remarketing campaign. Do you want to increase sales, increase newsletter sign-ups, or something else? It is important to set clear and measurable goals to assess the success of your campaign.
  2. Identify your target audience: The next step is to determine which visitors you want to target. These could be visitors who viewed a specific product page, added a product to their cart but did not checkout, or even visitors who spent a certain amount of time on your website without taking any action.
  3. Choose your channels: Remarketing can take place on different channels, such as Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, and email. Choose the channels that are most effective for your target audience. For example, if you notice that your target audience spends a lot of time on Facebook, that might be the best channel to use for your campaign.
  4. Create remarketing lists: Once you have defined your target audience and channels, create remarketing lists in your ad platform, such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads. These lists contain the users you want to target. For example, you can create a list of visitors who have viewed your product page in the last 30 days without buying anything.
  5. Develop attractive ads: Create ads specifically tailored to the target audience in your remarketing lists. Make sure these ads grab attention and contain a strong call-to-action that encourages users to return to your website.
  6. Set up your campaigns: Once you have created your remarketing lists and ads, you can set up your campaigns in your ad platform. Here you can control when, where and how often your ads are displayed to your target audience.
  7. Optimise and measure your results: The work doesn't stop after your campaign goes live. Monitor the performance of your campaigns closely and optimise where necessary. Experiment with different ad texts, images and bidding strategies to see what works best.

Tips for an effective remarketing campaign

To ensure that your remarketing campaign is successful, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Segment your target audience carefully: Not all website visitors are equal. By segmenting your remarketing lists based on behaviour, such as page views or abandoned shopping carts, you can show more relevant ads.
  2. Limit the frequency of your ads: An important aspect of remarketing is making sure you don't irritate your audience by targeting them too often. Therefore, set a frequency limit to avoid showing your ads too often to the same person. This helps avoid irritation and ensures a positive brand experience.
  3. Use dynamic remarketing: Dynamic ads automatically adjust content based on user behaviour, such as showing specific products the user has viewed. This is a powerful way to create highly targeted and personalised ads.
  4. Personalise your message: A personalised approach can make a big difference in remarketing. For example, use the customer's name (if you have one) or show related products based on their previous browsing behaviour.
  5. A/B testing and continuously improve: As with any campaign, it is important to continuously test and improve your remarketing efforts. Try different ad variations, audiences and strategies to see what works best for your brand.
  6. Integrate your remarketing with other campaigns: Make sure your remarketing campaign fits well with your other marketing activities. This ensures a consistent brand experience and strengthens your overall strategy.


"On average, 26% of users who click on a remarketing ad return to the website and complete a conversion."

How can you successfully deploy a remarketing campaign with Ternair?

Ternair offers a powerful solution for marketers looking to optimise their remarketing campaigns. By using Ternair, you can refine and automate your remarketing efforts, resulting in more efficient and effective campaigns.

  1. Advanced segmentation: With Ternair, you can easily create advanced segmentations based on real-time customer data. This means you can determine very precisely which customers are eligible for a remarketing campaign and which message is most relevant to them.
  2. Automation: Ternair allows you to automate your remarketing campaigns. You can set up automated workflows that, for example, target customers as soon as they take a certain action, such as abandoning their shopping cart. This ensures that you can always send the right message at the right time.
  3. Integration with other tools: Ternair integrates seamlessly with other marketing tools such as CRM systems and advertising platforms. This means you can manage all your customer data in one place and use it to enhance your remarketing campaigns.
  4. Analysis and reporting: One of Ternair's greatest strengths is its extensive analysis and reporting capabilities. You can see exactly how your campaigns are performing and where you can make improvements. This makes it easier to increase your ROI and continually optimise your remarketing strategy.



A remarketing campaign is a powerful strategy within marketing automation that allows you to reach potential customers again and encourage them to take the next step in their customer journey. By using tools like Ternair, you can not only set up and manage your remarketing campaigns efficiently, but also optimise them for maximum impact.

Whether you are an experienced marketer or just starting out with marketing automation, a well-executed remarketing campaign can contribute significantly to the success of your marketing strategy. Remember that constantly testing and optimising your campaigns is essential to get the best results. With the right approach and tools, you can deploy remarketing campaigns that not only convert, but also contribute to a positive and long-term brand experience.

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