Upgrade that one-time sale to a "connected customer

connected customer | Ternair

As a marketer, reaching new customers to drive sales is a challenge. But focusing on new customers is not the only way. How do you shape marketing to existing customers? And how do you get the necessary opt-in?

The ideal target group

The current customer is often undervalued as a target group. While this group is actually very attractive, or even eager to hear more from you. Customers are the lifeline of the organization. It is the group 'you do it for' and they almost automatically fall under the heading 'right proprietary audience'. There is already a relationship and a basis of trust. Enough reason to pay extra attention to this group, but this requires permission in many direct marketing channels.

Upgrade a one-time sale to connected customer

The permission to interact directly (one-on-one) gives companies the opportunity to learn more about their customers, customer preferences and behavior. As a result, you're able to provide better service, communicate in a more targeted way and gain new insights.A perfect one-to-one marketing strategy still seems like a bridge too far for many brands, but asking for an opt-in enables effective tactics. You can assume that customers are a good audience for messages about upgrades, after-sales and new product introductions. Doing customer satisfaction surveys also suddenly becomes a lot easier. Add to that the fact that you are laying the groundwork for an evolution toward mature marketing automation in the future.

Benefits of the purchase as a contact moment

Requiring permission to stay in touch with customers can be done right in the buying process. Thus, a one-time purchase leads to being able to stay in contact with the customer. The customer thus becomes a connected customer. There are three major advantages of customer-opt-in during the purchase process:

  • The mechanics for boosting quality traffic are often already in place. So you don't have to incur a separate cost to generate this traffic.

  • If they've had a good experience, current customers are more likely to buy from you more often.

  • You can identify them directly as current customers in the marketing database, recording what they bought. A breath of fresh air, because unlocking this data is not yet a given at every organization.

We like to talk about data as the new gold and even in terms like big data (the inflated version of it). However, we suggest making the most important word customer lifetime value. And that value does not come exclusively from direct purchases.

From touchpoint to permission point

The most logical place to get customer opt-in is during the order process. In the shopping cart, for example, but sometimes shopping carts are too rigid to modify or modifications to the current system are simply too expensive. Although you may dispute that pretty quickly, because the upside is that it is quickly a worthwhile investment.But there are attractive alternatives, by mapping the touchpoints you can quickly find out for yourself. For example:

  • Require the opt-in on the thank you page, after the purchase is completed

  • Add the permission request to the purchase confirmation and transactional emails that follow

  • Demonstrate a message as soon as the customer logs in and visits their account

The touchpoints mentioned are not only for new customers, but also for current customers, as soon as they place a new order. It is a misconception that you should ask the opt-in question only when creating a customer account! The effect of customer behavior in the longer term makes it clear.

"The system can't do it' is a weak excuse."

If the goal is to increase customer value, we must have permission to communicate with customers. So the KPI here is customer opt-in rate, further subdivided into new customers and current customers by opt-in source. A further breakdown can be done by purchase type and customer segment, to see where there are many opportunities for improvement.

Service and subscription through transactional emails

Before we optimize, we do want to know the current ratios. The number of customers who have already consented, versus those who haven't. You can get a first impression by comparing the thank you page and the number of customer purchases with the number of opt-ins in the marketing database. If there is enough potential there, then you can at least start optimizing the transactional emails. Again, "the system can't do it" is a weak excuse, a work-around is always an option (even if you don't think so now).Transactional messages get much more attention than other messages. According to Experian research, the open ratio is double on average. So adding (additional) service messages offers opportunities, increases the chances of opt-in as well as improving service perception.

Make sure you get permission to stay in touch

Customers are your most valuable investment, so make sure you get permission to stay in touch after an initial purchase. This opens the door to greater customer insight and higher customer value. Start implementing the quick-wins for getting consent immediately. The next step is to optimize the customer opt-in rate.

This article was published on Frankwatching on September 7, 2015.

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