4 Case studies: quick results with real-time customer data

For: managers, marketers and administrators
Read time: 2 minutes
Read also: Connecting data with an API, web service or webhook
Faster and simpler than you think
By connecting your various systems via APIs, web services and webhooks, you'll get maximum results from marketing automation. These sometimes seem complicated and therefore stand as futures on roadmaps. But they are much simpler and faster to realize than organizations think.
The goal of marketing automation is, of course, to increase conversion by getting the right action, at the right time, to the right person. You ultimately achieve this by bringing together all data from your order systems, webshops, click behavior in e-mail, visitor behavior on your website, data from your CRM and customer contact center, offline data and external data. Not only that, you also want to take action on it. But even without that 360-degree view, you can quickly get more value out of your data.
Data links make it possible to quickly use all that data - or parts of it - together. Campaigns and customer experiences then connect seamlessly. You can also enrich your customer data in real time this way. In this article some inspiring examples.
Unfinished booking triggers alternative
Time for vacation. Travelers can create their own trip in a tour operator's travel navigator. A golden source of information about their interests and preferences. Many visitors do not complete their search using the website navigator. Meanwhile, important buying signals are issued. The perfect time to guide and assist travelers in their choice. Subsequent segmentation of these prospects by interest always makes sense, but does not sufficiently take timing into account. In this case, a crucial factor, because the travel seeker is in an important buying phase. Ready to convert. A webhook signals the aborted configuration and immediately triggers a campaign ready to convert. This contains all the personalization conditions to the viewed product content, such as a similar alternative. The personalization can be presented through any channel. With such a large and diverse offer, this is the ideal way to target many customers 1 on 1 with the right offer.
Inlog screen triggers email with trial offer
Halt, stop. You recognize it: on publisher websites, you can read a few pages freely and then stumble upon the "premium content. A login screen appears, at which a large proportion of visitors drop out. Still, it is an important buying signal, because the more often that reader comes across premium content, the more likely he or she is to convert. To capitalize on this, a webhook is activated as soon as a visitor sees the login page. In the database, the visit ID is recognized from another contact moment where contact information is recorded. The visitor receives an e-mail with a special offer for a subscription. This also includes personalized content based on the recorded reading interest. This takes into account the right content and timing for conversion.
The weather forecast increases conversion
Rain or shine. Many people who register for an event still don't show up on the day of the event. Last-minute registrants decide to skip the trip to the event location because of weather conditions, for example. A difficult risk for the organizer to assess. By establishing a real-time link with current weather data per region, via zip code areas, everyone now receives a personal SMS the day before. This contains the weather forecast and a reminder to leave on time in case of bad weather. Not only a pleasant service, but it actually leads to higher attendance. Expectation management turns out to be crucial for a pleasant customer experience! In the next step, traffic jam information is again used to share relevant information with visitors. (Check out our webinar in which we explain this case in a few minutes).
External data helps determine residual value
A car finance company would like to continuously determine the residual value of leased cars. However, their data includes the license plate number, but not whether the insured car runs on gasoline or diesel. An important piece of data for determining the residual value. The solution does not lie in extensive and lengthy enrichment campaigns or intensive call campaigns. A quick link with the public license plate data of the RDW is sufficient. There, every license plate is known whether it is a gasoline or diesel car. By linking to this public database via an API, the data for each registered license plate is enriched daily with this data. The customer is not bothered and the information is 100% complete. So simple, an API solution can save a lot of time and be worth gold to your organization.For good automation, Ternair Marketing Cloud considers the ability to exchange data quickly and flexibly with as little impact on existing (it) processes as possible to be one of the most important conditions. Managers, marketers and data specialists are therefore happy to keep us informed of opportunities and possibilities.
For good automation, Ternair considers the ability to exchange data quickly and flexibly with the least possible impact on existing (it) processes to be one of the most important conditions. Managers, marketers and data specialists therefore like to keep us informed of opportunities and possibilities.
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