Data Driven Commerce Event: 'Bouwmaat does cool things with data'

Data Driven Commerce Event | Ternair

"I don't have a passion for data, I have a passion for customers. Nick Vieberink, manager of marketing and e-commerce at Bouwmaat wholesaler of building materials, couldn't put it more clearly. But that data is invaluable for that customer passion.

Omnichannel strategy

For 30 years, Bouwmaat's target audience has been specific: the craftsman with his own handyman business. Bouwmaat has a close relationship with its customers. Offline, it has the target group well in sight. The craftsmen come across the store floor, employees know them and know what they need. Nick Vieberink: 'With an omnichannel strategy, you want to be able to offer this customer experience across all channels, including online and in the app.' Therein lies a challenge for the marketing and e-commerce manager. Vieberink: 'If you want to get to know the customer well online as well, you simply need a lot of data. And,' he adds, 'you have to be able to convert that data quickly into personalized content. Passion for customers is one of the company's core values and through data we want to live up to this across all channels.'

'If you want to get to know the customer well online as well, you simply need a lot of data'

Artificial intelligence patterns

Vieberink says Bouwmaat is doing cool things with data. What cool things then? 'Take, for example, customers who want to leave with us. Unfortunately, we have those too, and we can detect the possible departure at an early stage by mapping customer behavior. Based on artificial intelligence patterns, we can set off alarm bells early.' The "alarm" can be set off by a variety of things. For example, due to the establishment of a competitor near a Bouwmaat store, customers with a certain customer behavior may respond by leaving. The core customer is not likely to go to the newcomer, but perhaps the professional home handyman type will. Bouwmaat can decide whether or not to run a promotion on that.

Personalization of newsletters

Another cool thing with data is the personalization of all newsletters. 'Based on transaction data, what customers have bought before, we know, for example, if a customer has a certain brand preference. With that data, the newsletter is automatically customized. You can only show three images in the newsletter, but we sometimes have hundreds of promotional articles. Then, of course, you want to show the most relevant ones."

Personalized search engine results

Bouwmaat, as a third tough example, recently started testing personalized search engine results. Vieberink: 'Take, for example, a handyman who always buys tools from Makita. If he then wants to buy a drill, it's good to show his brand in the results.' The same applies to tile adhesives. 'Bouwmaat sells five brands of tile adhesive and a tiler always glues with his favorite brand. Then of course it is handy if you show precisely that brand.'

'Make the customer feel that you know what he is doing'

No need for two pots of glue

The added value of data lies, of course, in the fact that by making good use of that data, you reach and help the customer better. Or as Vieberink puts it, "Making the customer feel that you know what he is doing. And where Bouwmaat wants to go is to advise the customer on the basis of that available data. 'For example, the amount of glue needed for the number of tiles he orders. That you give as advice: no, you don't need two pots, one will do. So that one pot can be removed from the shopping cart.' Because it's not about selling more in the short term, but about selling the right items, Vieberink knows. Working at the interface between customer, transaction data and article content is what he calls it.

Future customer steps

Based on data, Bouwmaat is also already doing a bit of predicting future customer steps. 'We can now estimate what job a customer is doing.' Bouwmaat has a block on the site, 'Completing a job', where relevant articles can be seen.

Complex customer structure

In conclusion, of course, there are pitfalls when it comes to data use. Right? Vieberink: 'Yes, haha! A lot! Based on data, you also make assumptions. How confident are you in the results you show, based on that data? We are careful about that at Bouwmaat.' The customer structure at Bouwmaat is complex, he says. 'If you build a system, having the customer data in order is a challenge. You are constantly working to keep that data good and clean.' But the biggest challenge for Bouwmaat is its product data. Is all the product data and content correct? 'Bouwmaat itself knows that it must have its data in order, but unfortunately that does not yet apply to all the suppliers we work with. Bouwmaat is a wholesaler, but also a retailer and especially wholesale suppliers often do not have all the necessary commercial article data ready. So there is work to be done.'

Data Driven Commerce Event On Feb. 13, the Data Driven Commerce Event will take place. The central question of the event is: how do you use customer insights from your data to serve your customer even better and increase your conversion rate? Nick Vieberink is one of the speakers who will talk about how to better understand the customer through the proper use of data. Bas Karsemeijer, head of data at Hema, is one of the other speakers at the event.

This article was written by Kari-Anne Fygi and sourced from and published on Twinkel Digital Commerce.

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