
Welcome Campaigns: What Are They and How Do They Work?

There are countless marketing automation campaigns that companies can use to achieve their goals. One of the most crucial and often underrated campaigns is the welcome campaign, an essential component to warmly greet new customers and subscribers. This article highlights the core principles of a welcome campaign, why they are important, how to set one up, tips for success, and how to create an effective welcome campaign with Ternair.

What is a Welcome Campaign?

A welcome campaign is a series of automated messages sent to new customers or subscribers as soon as they sign up for your service, product, or newsletter. The goal of this campaign is to welcome the newcomer, introduce them to your brand, and encourage them to take further steps in their customer journey.

A typical welcome campaign can consist of a series of emails, text messages, or other forms of communication. These messages may contain information on how to use the product or service, benefits the customer can expect, and useful tips and tricks. The aim is to make a positive first impression and lay a strong foundation for a long-term customer relationship.


“Welcome emails have an average open rate of 50.4%. This is significantly higher than the average open rate for regular marketing emails.”


Why Are Welcome Campaigns Important?

Welcome campaigns are crucial for several reasons:

  1. First Impressions Matter: The first communication with a new customer sets the tone for the future relationship. A well-thought-out welcome campaign can create a positive first impression and make the customer feel good about their choice.
  2. Promote Engagement: By contacting the customer immediately after they sign up, you increase the chances of keeping them engaged with your brand. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  3. Provide Information and Education: New customers might not know everything about your product or service. A welcome campaign provides the opportunity to inform and guide them, helping them get more value from their purchase.
  4. Build Trust and Credibility: Consistent and well-designed welcome campaigns can help companies build trust and credibility with their new customers. Trust is a key factor in promoting customer loyalty and reducing churn.


“Approximately 75% of recipients expect a welcome email immediately after signing up. These emails often lead to a high level of engagement.”


How to Set Up a Welcome Campaign

Setting up an effective welcome campaign requires a thoughtful approach. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Set Goals: What do you want to achieve with your welcome campaign? This can vary from brand awareness to encouraging a first purchase.
  2. Segmentation: Identify the different groups of new customers or subscribers. A personalized approach increases the relevance and effectiveness of the messages.
  3. Content Creation: Develop valuable and relevant content. This can include welcome emails with tutorials, discounts, or invitations to exclusive events.
  4. Automation: Use a marketing automation platform to automatically send your messages based on triggers such as sign-up or first purchase.
  5. Measure and Optimize: Analyze the results of your campaign and optimize based on performance. Pay attention to open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.


Tips for an Effective Welcome Campaign

Here are some tips to ensure your welcome campaign is effective:

  1. Personalization: Use the customer's name and other personal information to make the messages more relevant. Personalization increases engagement and the likelihood of conversion.
  2. Clear Call-to-Action: Ensure each message contains a clear call-to-action. Whether it's downloading a guide, following your social media, or making a first purchase, make it easy for the customer to take the next step.
  3. Add Value: Give the customer a reason to look forward to your communication. This can be through providing useful information, a welcome discount, or a special offer.
  4. Omnichannel Approach: Combine email with other channels such as SMS or social media to provide a more integrated experience.
  5. Test and Improve: Conduct A/B tests on various elements of your campaign, such as subject lines, message content, and call-to-actions, to see what works best.


“Customers engaged through a welcome campaign have a 10% higher lifetime value (LTV) compared to customers who do not receive a welcome email.”


How to Successfully Implement a Welcome Campaign with Ternair

Ternair offers comprehensive solutions for marketing automation, allowing you to set up effective and personalized welcome campaigns. Here are some ways to use Ternair for a successful welcome campaign:

  1. Advanced Segmentation: Ternair enables detailed segmentation based on demographic data, behavioral data, and interests. This allows you to better tailor your welcome messages to the recipient.
  2. Automation: Use Ternair’s automation capabilities to set up your welcome campaigns. Triggers such as sign-ups or first purchases automatically activate the appropriate message series.
  3. Omnichannel Communication: Use Ternair to distribute your welcome campaign across multiple channels, such as email, SMS, and social media. This increases the likelihood that your messages will be seen and read.
  4. Analyze and Optimize: Ternair offers detailed analysis of your campaign performance. You can see which messages perform best and adjust your strategy accordingly to improve results.
  5. Integration with CRM or CDP: Ternair can be integrated with your CRM system, providing a seamless experience for your customers and collecting valuable data for further marketing efforts.



A welcome campaign is a powerful component of an effective marketing strategy. It provides the opportunity to make a strong first impression, engage customers, and inform them about your product or service. By carefully setting up and optimizing a welcome campaign, you can significantly increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Using Ternair can help you automate and personalize your welcome campaign, further enhancing its effectiveness. Remember that a successful welcome campaign is not just about welcoming new customers but also about laying a solid foundation for a long-term and fruitful customer relationship.

By taking the time to develop a thoughtful and well-executed welcome campaign, you lay a strong foundation for long-lasting and valuable customer relationships. This ensures that your new customers feel welcome and immediately experience the value of your brand.

Discover the Power of Welcome Campaigns

Curious about how a well-thought-out welcome campaign can elevate your email marketing? Let’s get started and write your success story together. Schedule a free introductory meeting and discover the possibilities!

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