IT Care, secure and privacy proof

Ternair adapts to your organization, not the other way around. We can link data on source systems, on data warehouses, CDP, CRM, ERP, etc. But also set up a CDP for you ourselves.
No shadow processes need to run, once linked via API, FTP, batch or remote connect, it's the business user's turn. Without impact on existing IT processes.
Naturally, as a professional data organization, we work according to the DDMA Privacy Guarantee and other certifications.

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We can help you with relevant questions

What about information security? Is our customer data safe within the tool?

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Protecting data is part of our DNA. Our solutions meet the highest standards for information security and are fully compliant with EU data laws and regulations.

Our customer data is managed in multiple systems. How do you connect to these data sources?

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With Ternair we connect to multiple data sources simultaneously via secure remote connections, APIs or data file exchanges. Customer data is not imported but mapped. This is what we call that "No import, just connect".

What is your technology stack?

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Ternair Marketing Cloud is a SAAS solution built on Microsoft's technology stack. The architecture principles are based on the latest industry standards.  “Always use the last proven technique and framework with a large, active developers community.”

We love a good success story

How to approach 10 million customers in a personal and relevant manner |

"We send the iFly KLM Magazine to 10 million customers worldwide. Everything has to be correct in the e-mails, they have to be sent in a tightly regulated time schedule to manage the loads on the servers and fit within the local e-mail schedules. Ternair enables us to manage all this complexity while quality is guaranteed and costs remain manageable."

Marc Jansz
Customer Media Manager

10 million

recipients in 80 countries in 5 different languages


time savings due to data-driven 1-1 email template


more opened mails due to personalization

How the transition from outbound to inbound results in a conversion improvement of 50% | Ternair

"With Ternair we can automatically choose the right time to send certain messages. The flows are tailored to the interests that someone shows. We have an overview of the entire process and are increasingly aware of who to send what and when, so that we do not bother anyone with our messages."

Michael Dam
Marketing Manager


more opened e-mails



20% - 30%

reduction in opt-out

How do you create a personalized omnichannel shopping experience? |

"With the real-time use of customer insights, Bouwmaat also brings its personal approach to the digital channels. This omnichannel customer experience is now delivered through 48 branches, and through full personalization with the mobile app, on the website and in email communications."

Nick Vieberink
Marketing Manager & E-commerce

1 layout

80.000 e-mails with personalized content


growth in online orders


average customer rating

This is what you can expect

Fast, reliable and safe

A fast, robust and scalable marketing automation solution based on the highest standards for information security.

Open & Connected

Ternair offers an extensive set of out-of-the box connectors to enable integration with external databases, applications and AI-models and handle the processing of complex messages.

No hassle with data

No more data silos or incomplete data, but all customer data connected to one platform with minimal impact to your back-end systems. 

How do others experience our tool?

"With Ternair's professional support, we were able to introduce the Marketing Cloud in phases to the various Business Units. By taking the differences into account, we were able to get the right solution everywhere. We can now work more quickly and effectively, conversion is higher and the IT landscape has been simplified. Due to the many integrations with other software, always innovating and 'how do we make it possible' approach, Ternair has become an important business partner for us and the Marketing Cloud is an indispensable tool."

Daan van Renterghem
IT Director

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